Triple Water Astrology - The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope - Week Starting Friday, October 31
Happy Halloween! Please like my Facebook page at As the Sun becomes settled in Pluto's sign, Scorpio, the opportunity to access Pluto's transformational power continues as a theme for this month. How can your Sun sign access Pluto and the other planetary energies this week? Also consider your rising sign (ascendant).
You have access to a lot of power this month. True, you might have to submit to an authority figure. The tradeoff is probably worth it! Be careful of being caught up in illusions and fantasies, especially earlier in the week. If a situation is a complete surprise, use that strong drive available this week to make it a plus. Love life can be good this week, but you will have to work at it! Just for Aries: avoiding testy situations from October 31 to November 2 will help you.
Pleasant daydreams and spiritual longings are strong at week's beginning, but fade by week's end. However, November 1 and 2 are prime time for spirituality with your significant other. By November 6, authority figures begin to feel heavy-handed. Self-care is very important this week. If you feel like you're under someone's thumb, take time for yourself. The week has a very watery and emotional feel for you. Just for Taurus: tolerance and accommodation can work in your favor, but are you enabling?
Sharp, useful ideas can abound on October 31 and November 1 if you set your mind to it. You can really shine on November 3; don't allow unexpected twists and turns to interfere with your success. You also have a busy week at home and family life is nice from November 2 to November 4. You might feel emotionally drained on November 4 and 5, but overall the week looks favorable for you. Just for Gemini: working hard to make a good impression helps with public relations this week.
If November 4 feels like a fresh start, don't be surprised. The week does start well for you, however. November 1 and 2 are appropriate days for rest and reflection, even just for a few minutes. Gather energy before your opportunity to shine with great ideas on November 4. If authority figures lean on you on October 31 and November 1, use that for personal learning and growth. The shift on November 4 might include conflict; look to a benefactor for assistance. Just for Cancer: In intense situations, recalling that every rose has its thorn can help you.
Spirituality is strong for you this week. Relationships can be a bit edgy. You also have the power of perspective this week. Your view of situations and people this week can help you move forward and be successful. October 31 and November 1 are perfect days for showing expertise in your field. November 2 is good for some alone time, although relationships are front and center all week. Edginess in relationships doesn't have to be a factor if you can back off a bit. Just for Leo: Watch for insight regarding solutions to a lingering problem.
Your usual exacting attention to detail is bolstered by flashes of insight at the beginning of the week - wow! Tackle that intellectual work this week. Also be watchful for rewards from past hard work on October 31. Jupiter just might hand it to you on October 31 anyway - could that day be any better? Be ready to assert yourself on November 4 and 5. If you sense an authority figure behind the scenes watching you on those days, you're probably correct. Just for Virgo: Taking care of unpalatable work can move your forward this week.
Finding balance with others feels spiritual on November 1 and 2. Look to other people - and within - for wisdom and enlightenment on those days. Your people skills are also in overdrive on October 31 and November 1, but be cautious of the temptation of being exclusionary. You have the opportunity of personally affecting other people this week, more than usual! Even relatively harsh encounters probably have redeeming value to you and the other party. Be ready for a more restrictive vibe starting on November 5. Just for Libra: be very careful with confidential matters.
You have access to energy this week. Personal energy reserves might appear to be at record highs. Your ability to attain deep insights are also quite strong this week. Love life is nice, especially for about the first half of the week. Be aware of heated emotions on November 4 and 5. Also, find a way to regain focus if things feel a bit murky around November 2. Overall, a strong sense of self and high energy can make this a very productive week for you. Just for Scorpio: if you encounter a mystery, you've met your match! Your Scorpio gift for solving mysteries might have difficulty unraveling this one.
The start of the week could feel topsy-turvy, but by week's end you are back on track. If you need assistance at the beginning of the week, search for information that will help you. Your bright demeanor lightens the atmosphere around dour authority figures this week. Relationships continue to be a focus for you; especially by week's end. If you encounter intense situations, try using diplomacy and tact - often you won't be in the middle of everything! Oddly, a relatively carefree and happy week in the midst of a lot of strong, intense, serious energies this week. Just for Sagittarius: are you creating opportunities these days to bring new ideas and people into your life?
This week is wide open for you. Benefactors might be available; make an effort to be accommodating so they can help you. November 4 and 5 can be good for using logic in problem solving. If you find yourself in a position of authority, work hard to understand the other person's point of view. Overall, a feel of staying the course this week, although with Mars exalted in your Sun's sign, you might notice a boost in that Capricorn initiative this week. Just for Capricorn: Maybe this isn't such a ho-hum week. Watch out for heightened passions!.
This has the potential to be an emotional roller coaster type week, although it doesn't have to be. Relationships can be rewarding with some extra work, especially around November 2 to November 4. Conflicts and disagreements are more likely by the week's end. However, watch for Jupiter lending a hand with help or insight during rougher times. You can be the ideas person at the beginning of the week! This week is also subtly spiritual for you. If you like variety this week suits you well. Just for Aquarius: Friendships are quite meaningful for you this week.
Mars is a double-edged sword this week. Focusing on your personal energy reserves helps you to be productive. Mars' energy and your sense of creativity help give your mind keen perceptions, so intellectual work is your forte this week, especially during the first half of the week. How are you dealing with your past? Also something front and center this week. Relationships are smooth especially during the first half of the week. A strong first half of the week carries you through the second half, it seems. Just for Pisces: is keeping options open this week helping you?
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to