Current Happenings: We are Here NOW!!

MitziLove's picture


earthWe have experienced the end of the Mayan calendar (12-21-12), the dawning of the Aquarian Age, 5th dimensional energies, and an increase in solar activity and Earth's magnetosphere. Whether you're coming from an ancient, spiritual, astrological, or scientific perspective we are amist  great change. Period.

The pope's resignation and an asteroid hitting the Earth in the last few days are pivitol in this point of change we are currently experiencing.  OPPT which has foreclosed on banks and corporations, nullifying the old way and government, is here! Oh yeah, and Saturn is retrograde too! So much going on around us. Exciting indeed!


So many of us have been doing our own inner work for humanity. Well folks, the outer world is now manifesting and reflecting this. It's all about perspective here. Those who are still resonating in 3rd dimensional energies are fearful and confused. They are experiencing the duality of "good and bad." They are feeling intense energies in the negative polarity of their dualistic perception.  They view that the world has gone mad and there is pain and hurt everywhere. But what's going on up there??

Those who's vibrations are of the higher realms (5d and beyond), are experiencing excitement and joy! Moments of complete and utter bliss are becoming more frequent. There is a knowing that all is unfolding as planned. There is a feeling of oneness with all. Here, we witness humanity coming together as one, not separating and falling apart as in 3d. We observe these changes with detachment and we know, without doubts or fears, that all is well and divine.


Ride the waves! Go where they take you. Stay in the moment and let the blissful energies merge you with your higher aspects. Observe the current world events and en-joy!

I LOVE you ALL dearly!