MitziLove's blog

"Time Travel" to Healing

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Your mind can be thought of as a time machine, instantly teleporting you back in time to the past, or into the future. When you are anywhere in your head besides NOW, you are caught in the illusion of time.

Attachments to people, places, and things can cause you to "time travel" in your mind. This attachment causes you to 'think", taking you out of the only time, which is NOW.


Your Health is in YOUR Hands

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Over the years, I have seen every kind of -ologist you can imagine. They all gave me a dis-ease according to their specialty. It was said I had everything from fibromyalgia to endometriosis. IBS, herniated disks and bone spurs, just to name a few. At the time, I had great health coverage, so you can imagine how many "tests" and "procedures" took place. I was given pills from A-Z. All to no avail. I picked up a nasty addiction to the pain meds, which alone could have killed me,  and went through years of this hell.

The western world of "medicine" is all about dis-ease. They tell me because my father has heart disease,  my mother had a brain hemmorhage, and two grandparents had cancer, I am more likely to have a heart attack, stroke, or cancer. Let's look at this... If I believe this, I am setting myself up for 2 out of three of these to occur.

Life is But A Dream...

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That moment when you're in a dream and things aren't going quite your way. You're experiencing fear and panic. You don't know which way to go. Then suddenly, you remember this is your very own dream (creation) and you're in control. From that moment until the end, you are the master of your world. Anything you see or experience is completely up to you. You are aware of this so you have fun with it.


Current Happenings: We are Here NOW!!

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earthWe have experienced the end of the Mayan calendar (12-21-12), the dawning of the Aquarian Age, 5th dimensional energies, and an increase in solar activity and Earth's magnetosphere. Whether you're coming from an ancient, spiritual, astrological, or scientific perspective we are amist  great change. Period.

The pope's resignation and an asteroid hitting the Earth in the last few days are pivitol in this point of change we are currently experiencing.  OPPT which has foreclosed on banks and corporations, nullifying the old way and government, is here! Oh yeah, and Saturn is retrograde too! So much going on around us. Exciting indeed!


Catch and Release: Let it GO!!

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“Renew, release, let go. Yesterday’s gone. There’s nothing you can do to bring it back. You can’t “should’ve” done something. You can only DO something. Renew yourself. Release that attachment. Today is a new day!”
Steve Maraboli


We sometimes find ourselves "caught up" in emotions, thought, or feeling. Our lower natures pick these energies up and often form an attachment to them, holding us in bondage and draining our energies, robbing us of the present. This may evolve from a current situation, or it can come from your past experiences, in this lifetime or others. 


A Day of LOVE<3

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Today is celebrated in our third dimension as a corporate heyday. Stores are busy, cards and candy disappearing off shelves. Florists see their biggest profits of the year on this day.

Isn't it truly just another day? Shouldn't we show LOVE everyday?? And do we really have to spend money on material things to show it?? Hmmmmm...

Let's go back to LOVE, you know, the "true meaning" behind this day. It truly starts with self. When we show ourselves LOVE, we radiate these brilliant light beams to others. There is no need to buy flowers or candy. We show it with a smile, a simple act of kindness, or merely a warm loving thought. When we Love ourselves, we LOVE ALL! It's really simple.

So today (and EVERYDAY) show LOVE by being positive, kind, and SMILE!! These acts go much further than a box of chocolates.

LOVE to ALL today and everyday!!
Mitzi ~<3~

Holding On for The Ride

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Wow! Energies are pretty darn intense for this girl right about NOW!! I haven't slept a wink ;)
Just when you think everything's almost cleared up..(and it certainly feels that it should be) and things are smooth sailing...BAM!!

Here it comes... more "old stuff" that MUST go. Things came up for my twin and me that demanded immediate attention. After going through a roller coaster ride of emotions, ego came out in all her glory. She' going down kickin' and screamin'.

After what seemed to be "days" of seemingly being "stuck" in my head, I finally simmered my thoughts and emotions long enough to ask for help from the higher realms. Yes! The persistant last remnants of my stubborn ego was trying a last attempt to make me "forget" who I AM yet again! Just DIE already! :) In an instant, a mere "thought", those beautiful radiant beings came to my rescue immediately! I was engulfed in stillness. Serenity. Where ALL answers(and questions) reside. And there it was... There I was. Yeah... I re-member. :)

I spent some time there where my team assured me all is as it should be and not to fight it, just FEEL it, and LET IT GO! These are fear based emotions that I had always managed to escape the pain from over the years. My ego always found a "way around it." It was necessary for me to experience them to clear our karma. (Havent we done enough of that already? :)

Without a doubt this wouldn't be possible without my twin, who mirrors me and me him in perfect divine harmony. My reflection, my light in the darkness of the world-ME. Through his eyes I see when my own are weary. We certainly wouldn't know this much about ourselves(self) without the other. How grateful I AM for this wondrous journey. Ahhhhhhh..... Smooth sailing from here on?? Who knows. It's definitely a ride. Shew!! I am fully prepared and childishly excited for what's to come. I AM grateful for every beautiful moment of it.

All clear.
Rest now? I think so...


Where Am I?? 3D? 4D? 5D?

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Hearts in Clouds - Vision at Dawn - site

Because you are a multi-dimensional being, you exist eternally on ALL dimensions, NOW. Each dimension is simply your perceptual awareness. There are people existing (perceiving) on ALL dimensions here and now on Mother Earth. In order to stay in a higher dimension, your vibration must remain high enough to sustain. 


In the 3rd dimension, you do not perceive your higher aspects. You are asleep, so to speak. Source is believed to be outside of self, and you see yourself as being seperated from creation. You perceive good/bad, right/wrong, black/white, all in duality. Fear resides and dominates in 3D. Your lower nature, or your ego is your driving force. Time exists and is linear.


Creation is unfolding NOW!!

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With all the buzz about gun control, genetically modified foods, and deaths from prescription drugs, humanity is finally waking up to the corruption and enslavement of the system they have trusted. ALL are awakening as a collective, uniting as ONE people against the dark forces that have been in power of the people for eons of time. This is why you are here! To transcend the illusion, the matrix of fear, and step into self mastery, which is LOVE, ALL that is.  People are going within, looking to their divine aspects, to connect with source and experience awareness of the power of creation that lies within each of us.   We are waking to the truth that we are not democrat or republican, Christian or Hindu, black or white, homosexual or heterosexual, we are the ONE! No matter how we have categorized ourselves or others due to our 3rd density lack of awareness, we all want to be happy and experience inner peace. Together, as ONE consciousness, GOD consciousness, we are EARTH=HEART and we will achieve this!! it's happening NOW!! The crystalline grid is fully activated!!  I AM basking in the golden light rays of the new age! Our gift of creation. Be open to receive your I AM Presence and bathe with me in the energy of the goddess of the divine feminine. ALL is Divine here NOW!! All is BEAUTY, LIGHT and LOVE!! I see you here. You are a reflection of me. Awaken and see yourself in my reflection.  For we are the same, the ONE.  Love and Light, ~<3~ Mitzi

Welcome to the Golden Age!!

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Welcome to the The Golden Age!!


The veil has been lifted!! The Great AWAKENING has occurred!! The ascension has occurred for the entire race known as humanity. WE as a collective have entered the Golden Age of Aquarius. Mother Earth has experienced her great awakening and raised her vibration so that we can fully step into the magic of the 5th dimension. You are waking up to this reality. Forget everything you ever knew in the 3rd dimension! You are a light being. You are creation, source itself. You agreed to come here and forget who you were. You came into this 3rd dimensional density to experience separation from source, and play the game of duality. Check mate! The game is NOW over. LIGHT wins! We are ALL stepping into the 5th dimensional awareness, the new EARTH, HEAVEN on EARTH. No matter who or where you are, you are experiencing this on some levels, depending upon where you’re perception is at that moment. You must experience this process in your very own individual way. No one can do it for you. This is the destiny of the journey of your soul. You are NEVER alone. Ask and you shall receive. You have guides just waiting for you to ask for their assistance. You are loved so much more than you know. There are those who have already entered the new world. These radiant beings are awaiting your eminent arrival, shining their light for you to see the way. There are way showers and Masters, great beings of Light, who Love you dearly and are here to guide you through this evolutionary transformation.  Ask, and be open to receive your LIGHT.

What are you waiting for? Go within. Be in nature. Breathe. Connect.  Experience. Create. Love. You are awakening into the beautiful butterly you are, emerging from a wondrous  process of transformation. Do not fear this change. Embrace it. Fly.


Love and Light,

~<3~ Mitzi


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