Cyclone alert lifted in New Caledonia's northern province

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By: ABC, 01/19/2014

ABC licensed image

An alert in parts of New Caledonia has been lifted, with Cyclone June downgraded to a Tropical Depression as it continues to weaken. However President Harold Martin has urged his people to remain vigilant as the storm could still widen, and it's estimated to be tracking within 150 kilometres of the capital, Noumea. More heavy rain, coupled with a risk of strong westerly winds, is expected to affect the French territory until Sunday evening. Duty forecaster at the Fiji Meteorological Service in Nadi, Terry Atalifo, says the windspeed near the centre of the cyclone is estimated to be around 75 kilometres per hour. The northern region of New Caledonia has not reported any damage despite facing strong winds earlier. However, at all times, the feeling you wish to achieve in the future is available to you, right here and right now.


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