~DAILY BREAD~11/21/13

David Porter's picture

“All these things that I have done, so shall you do, and greater things than these shall you do.”

This said by the Highest regarded most evolved Master of our time. Just how “Great” does this make you feel? When will you begin to know that He meant exactly what He said? Are you waiting to get to Heaven before you begin your new to your awareness practice? It won’t be that special then, everybody is doing it there.


According to you a 3D storm approaches and or is with you now. How are you handling your life (emotional content) now? As this is how you will assimilate the new approaching energies of Light. And if it is beginning to dawn upon you, these “ENERGIES” are “compounding their interest” daily!

To raise this to a category 5D (more amenable storm) will be in great favor to you by you. Time as you have known it to be is depleting now more and more rapidly on a daily basis. Portals that were open for us 13,000 years ago, during our Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu visits to Earth then, have been opening on a regular astrological alignment basis now and will continue until they are all open, which will be “soon” in our language. We are finding ourselves going deeper into our own input/output of physical, mental and emotional enhancements or depressions according to our own choices of which “D” we hold our thoughts on. (Dimension).

Recall the movie “Enter the Dragon” that came out in the 70s with Bruce Lee? He slapped his student saying to him, “emotional content.”

Let me bring simplicity:

3D, Fear based self-defeating programs. Anger, hate, resent, revenge, judgment, drama, discord, disharmony, this list is very long one and goes on.

5D, LOVE. This list is a very short one but has diverse "categories of a much Higher nature.

You may add some relevant “categories” to it if you like. Joy, peace, harmony and gratitude for jsut a few, gratitude being four-fifths of Love, use it unsparingly.


When you begin to give thanks in ALL things you place yourself immediately in a new and Higher "category."

Divine/unconditional Love is your best tool for advancement into 5D. “Let That Mind be in you.” Call upon your Divine I AM Presents all day long,
“draw nigh unto me.” NOW would be an excellent time to do so due to the fact that it is later than you think.

Breathe deep, get and remain grounded each and every day now as “time” is short! Consider the trees as having intelligent and conscious life force within them as well as the “dirt” that you are blessed to walk upon. This in itself will ground you yes just the thoughts will assist greatly. ALL is of LIFE FORCE, “ALL THINGS.”

All discord and subterfuge by the dark on Earth is now being disclosed, dissolved and released. Use your “Almighty I AM Presents” and the “All Consuming Violet Flame” to do the same for you and your planet simultaneously, invoke these secret Powers daily.

One last and hopefully lasting thought to consider: Until you are going within, you will go without.

May the “Force” be with you, It has no better place in all of the vast Universe to hang-out~



Aaron B's picture

Hi David, is there a way to correspond with you on this site or another? :-) Thank you, A :-)