Daily Message ~ Thursday April 10, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

will's picture

Have you ever purposely sent love to yourself? We highly recommend it. Send love to yourself, exactly as you are, and celebrate your unique perfection. Send love to yourself for any event you can remember when you felt you weren’t given the love you needed, perhaps as a child, or during another difficult time in your life. Send love to your past selves, and also to your future selves. See yourself as the divine, beautiful and essential part of the whole that you are, and celebrate that while you are at it. Love yourself until you feel yourself filling up and overflowing with it. From that place, you can only have more love to share with the world, and will draw even more in return, because you will be gloriously saturated in the energy of love. The energy of love is the energy of Source, so you will be aligned, and empowered, and shimmering with your own divinity if you start to embrace the energy of love for yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel

