Daily Message ~ Thursday November 28, 2019

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Gratitude is positive focus wrapped up in appreciation and love. It is the steering wheel of your flow, the anchor of your desired experiences, your energetic thank you card to the universe, and your blessing of continuation. It is a powerful, multi-faceted tool that expands, accepts, and allows you to acknowledge the magic of your present moment. It beautifully pre-paves the way for your tomorrows, as well.

Embrace the energy of gratitude, Dear Ones! It has so much to offer you because it supports your heart expanded alignment. And know with all your being the deep gratitude we feel for you – for your tender hearts, your loving intentions, your courage, and your service, as you continue to pioneer forward in the most remarkable ways. You are all so very loved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  I’m sending so much love and gratitude your way. xo

