Dana Mrkich ~ Emergency Of My Red Self: Which Colour Are You Not Owning?

Lia's picture


Dana Colour Pic NewAre there some colours that you just don’t wear or don’t really have around you? Maybe you have convinced yourself a certain colour doesn’t suit you. Perhaps it’s just never occurred to you to try something on of that colour or you have an unreasonable aversion to it?


I used to be like that with pink. I just didn’t think I was a pink sort of girl until one day, at age 32, I was invited to a ‘pink party’.  The girls who lived across the corridor from me at the time stared in shock when I told them there was no such colour in my wardrobe. They immediately leapt into action, dragging me into their bedrooms and within seconds I had the choice of every shade of pink imaginable. I threw on a hot pink top and then it was my turn to be shocked. It felt fantastic, and may I say it looked fabulous! It brought out a whole other aspect of my personality, and I haven’t looked back. Today, hot pink is one of my absolute favourite colours to have on or around me and always makes me feel happy.  I love all the ‘pink’s now’!

Last weekend I had the same experience with red.  This is a colour that you won’t find in my wardrobe of mainly blue’s, green’s and turquoise’s.  I was doing a photo shoot to update my website pics, but wasn’t really ‘feeling it’ with my usual wardrobe choices. My sister Krisi came to the rescue and pulled out some bright clothes including her va-va voom red dress. “Try that on.” she says. I looked at her like she was crazy. “Put that on right now.” said our fashionista cousin Aleks. “Ok” I said, thinking well at least if I try it on they’ll finally be quiet about it because it will be so obvious that red doesn’t suit me. I tried the dress on, and I BECAME A DIFFERENT PERSON!!!!!  Okay, so to use the usual consciousness perspective, it totally awakened some (clearly) dormant aspects of me that suddenly went “Woo Hoo we’re out, we’re out!!!!”

I felt like I was on a super dooper high of playfullness and self-assuredness. I felt full of fun and cheekiness. I felt ‘Where has red been all my life?!”  This colour was literally helping me bring out the red in my energy field! This is not huge news to anyone who knows anything about colour, but guess what: I know about colour and energy fields and chakra’s etc etc and I still just thought ‘oh red doesn’t suit me’ instead of realising “Hmm, truth be told, perhaps part of me is a little overwhelmed, or scared, or unfamiliar with my red self!”

Maybe I wasn’t ready for the total emergence of my red self, just like some people haven’t been ready thus far for the total emergence of their yellow self or purple self or whatever colour it is that you aren’t comfortable with.

I am really looking forward to getting to know this ‘red’ part of me!

What colour or colours do you shy away from or have convinced yourself you don’t look good in?  What colour do you have an aversion to? Suggestion of the week: Go try something on in that colour and see how you feel! Buy yourself some flowers or a piece of jewellery in that colour, or paint your nails.

Share your colour stories here!

(c) Dana Mrkich 2014

www.danamrkich.com / link to original artricle
