[This NEW MOON is at 11-degrees Sag - a Master #. In addition, there is a supportive, harmonious TRINE [120-degrees} between the NEW MOON & URANUS aka Mr. Independence, Mr. Freedom, Mr. Wrecking-ball but also called The Great Awakener at its highest octave. The 90-degree SQUARE to CHIRON, The Wounded Healer, is a bit more rugged but represents helpful, intense RELEASE ENERGY of old wounds and pain. Good stuff! :) ~ES]
~ Simone Butler, Astrologer
www.astroalchemy.com - Nov. 27, 2013
Imagine you’d been caged for 50 years in a laboratory, with nary a glimpse of the sky. You knew there were others of your kind nearby, but you were unable to see or touch them and could only offer mute sympathy as each of you was tortured in the name of science.
Then suddenly one day, everything changed. You escaped out a window into a grassy expanse where you could climb trees, commune with one another and live the life you were meant to live.
This is what happened recently for over a hundred government-owned chimpanzees who were retired to Chimp Haven... This unprecedented release will hopefully be the first of many, as funds are raised to provide sanctuary for another thousand chimps still languishing in medical labs across the country.
LIBERATION is the theme this month, as the atmosphere lightens and the heaviness of the last few months begins to lift. A NEW MOON in optimistic, freedom-loving Sagittarius (Dec. 2, 4:22 p.m. PST) promises release for all who are willing to look beyond suffering and let their spirits soar.
This New Moon trines liberating Uranus and squares sensitive Chiron, guiding us to transcend limiting beliefs that keep us identified with pain—to know ourselves as divine creators.
Uranus will turn direct at the Dec. 17 Full Moon, ending the retrograde it began in July as it invites us to throw off the shackles that bind. Between now and then, take inventory of where you’re at.
What are you ready to release, internally or externally?
The planets offer A SUPPORTIVE NET as you dare to take the leap across that chasm into new territory.
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