Decembrrrr! Arctic Blast to Bring Subzero Chill to Rockies, Plains; Hard Freeze for California

Silver's picture

By: Nick Wiltgen, 12/03/2013

Wednesday Highs

December has arrived. And even though the winter season most of us are familiar with, "astronomical" winter, doesn't begin until the winter solstice on Dec. 21, we meteorologists have already started our winter season. Meteorological winter began Dec. 1 and runs through the last day of February.


It looks like Mother Nature is following the meteorologists' calendar this year as bitterly cold arctic air plunges southward across much of the West and eventually expands across the Plains and Midwest. This will send temperatures to their lowest levels of the season – and in some cases, potentially the coldest in several years. Along with the cold comes a nasty bout of snow and ice associated with Winter Storm Cleon.


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