Desert Gypsy~ Have You Let Go?

Desert Gypsy's picture


Living along the river has its benefits, like the water reflecting shimmering sunrises and waking to birdsong in the mornings. But there are drawbacks, such as the inversion and dense fog we experienced for many weeks this winter. The world seemingly gone dim and gloomy with no end in sight.

Today, however,  the sun came out bold and bright, colors intensified, and energy levels increased. Everyone I met was cheerful , happily exchanging greetings with each other.  This change in the light so reminded me of the energy change we are experiencing as we leave the duality/ego mindset of the old 3D world (darkness)  and enter into the new era of unity (brilliance) with 5D Gaia.

How is the increase in frequencies affecting you? Are you living your life with all the lights on? Or are you still lost in the fog?

Do you wake up with thoughts of love and gratitude: perhaps hearing the song of the angels, or are you still plagued with thoughts of the past, feeling melancholy and confused?

Are you in the present moment of now, letting events unfold as they will…in the flow, or are you planning each move, worried about the future, caught up in controlling outcomes.

If you have not done so yet….Let go..and allow the universe to move you in a new direction.  The separation of the old 3D ways of existence to the new 5D world has taken place.

 Are you coming?

May the angels light your path,

Earth Ally Desert Gypsy




You are beautiful today

kmisha2014AU's picture

The girls worked well today...all the Geri's and Debs that i know. and such whit.Regrouping is so droll.

In Love and Light, Teosinte.
