Dichotomy of Truth & Shadows!

mthree's picture

How are you doing these days? That is the question.

So much is going on around us. We are all expanding, purging,

shrinking, releasing, and hopefully reflecting!

I know that sounds funny putting two opposites in the same sentence.

Truly it is a concept that makes us think, that is for sure.

I will explain more of that thought in my article below.

Just remember that all that is going on around us is

rebirth and transformation.

Allow the events that are present, be helpful to your

understanding of what is transpiring within you.

It may be something simple or not.

Whatever it is, be gentle.

That is one thing we can do for ourselves and others.

We can choose to allow the changes or resist.

The choice is still ours alone.


Dichotomy of

Truth & Shadows!


At this time, we are at the crossroads of our lives.

Everything is changing with such force. 

All that is around us & within us, is expanding energetically. We are

experiencing emotional, physical and mental anguish on so many levels.

When we are in this state we also tend to become very small and curl up in the fetal position to find comfort.

A feeling of insignificance tends to creep into our psyche.

We can become so overwhelmed that we spew and purge our

expression in ways that may not be in our own best interest.

We are not sure how to react, we are vulnerable and raw.

Great, now that we are aware of this, 

how do we go about moving through it?

This is a good question!

 First of all being your own best friend is really important.

 If we can't treat ourselves with gentleness and love,

how can we move forward with conviction?

Honor the space your in and give yourself the quiet time to reflect.

Allow all sides of yourself to show up and be willing to look at them.

I know, no one likes to go there.

The truth is, knowing that once we see some of the "Shadow" sides,

we can no longer pretend they are not part of us anymore!

This is what keeps us from going there!

~Letting go!~

It is time to respect ourselves enough to stand strong and be

courageous. Most of the time what we think we will see and what

really is, is very different. Learning to embrace our darker images,

is what will allow us to move freely into whatever is next.

The fear will dissipate.

Being in our truth may become uncomfortable, so was learning to

walk, but we all got through it brilliantly!

Some scares and some tears may show up.

We can handle that, can't we?

Yes, we can!

We are so worth the learning and growing

we will receive from allowing our truth to speak!

Be good to you!


Love, Light, Laughter,

Michelle heart