mthree's blog

Reflections & Re-Evaluations!

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This was written in 2011 and just re-read it and thought it reflective to now!

The feeling within about everything

 is different than I have

ever experienced before. 

It has slight reflections of my whole life,

but not a familiar clarity as I

 have known in the past.

This is new and deeper.

~ Finding Your Sonar ~

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 ~ Finding your Sonar! ~


Sonar? What does that entail?

This is something I would love to ponder on for many days!

What comes up for you when you hear the word Sonar?


What color is it? What does it feel like?

 In your heart space?

 Your solar-plexus?

Dichotomy of Truth & Shadows!

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How are you doing these days? That is the question.

So much is going on around us. We are all expanding, purging,

shrinking, releasing, and hopefully reflecting!

I know that sounds funny putting two opposites in the same sentence.

Truly it is a concept that makes us think, that is for sure.

I will explain more of that thought in my article below.

Just remember that all that is going on around us is

rebirth and transformation.

Letting Go with Grace!

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This was written in April of 2010:


Letting Go with Grace!!!!


Change is the only constant we will ever know consistently!

We all have been watching, listening and sometimes doing things differently than we have before. Not always understanding why, but trying to move through it.

Everything around us is going through this change, “transition”

or metaphysically speaking, Transformation!

We see it in every aspect of our lives.

The world, politics, economy, health,

mother Earth, and within our own beings.

The Unknowing is upon us!

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The Unknowing is Upon Us!


Do you feel like everything is different these last few months?

Are you trying to figure out why the way you do things

 doesn’t seem to work anymore?

Well, you are not alone!

That is the most important aspect to

 remember now and as we move forward!

 We are not alone.

We are becoming more and more aware

of the changes that are transpiring.

Expressions of the Wind

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Expressions of the Wind


The wind expresses its

spirit with such nakedness.

It speaks with passion,

with life.

The magic of being one

with your surroundings.

All in its truth

of the moment.

We are change, once we realize

that we are like the seasons,

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