Do You Trust Your Intuition?

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By John Holland

Intuition is the language of the soul. We’re all born aware with a profound sense of inner knowing. It’s one of the greatest gifts we possess, which keeps us connected to our higher selves, the universe, and to our divine spirit. At one time or another, we will all experience flashes of intuition, especially when it’s vying for our attention. It’s those hunches, or gentle nudges, that we so often ignore or try to wave off as being simply our imagination – only to find out later that it was correct.

Intuition is natural and you have to realize that we’re all equipped with a complex and highly tuned inner-guidance system, which we can access and use anytime we wish. Receiving intuitive information is all about energy, and people, places, and objects are all comprised of it. Since you too are energy, you can receive and read information via your intuitive senses.
