Don’t Play the Comparison Game

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by Gia Dalton

The Comparison Game Begins…

The ego craves attention and loves to compare. The more attention it gets, the bigger it becomes. Comparing yourself to others, positively or negatively, is all about ego. Comparing creates separation. It is based on assumptions and perceptions. Your perceptions may not be accurate or true and may be totally ridiculous. The comparison game is played out in your mind.

Collectively, we are one. The minute you compare yourself to another person good or bad, along with what you perceive their struggles to be, creates separation. You have declared sides – you against them. The ego either provides a false sense of superiority, which you really don’t believe anyway, or an inferiority complex. At the end of the day, you crawl into bed, pull the covers up over your head and wake up in the morning – it’s still you!

The comparison game is mentally exhausting and stressful. As the saying goes, “People in glass houses should not throw stones.” Everyone has endured shortcomings and struggles. You are hanging on to a slippery slope when your ego has become so bold to declare what you perceive as a truth against another person.
