Doorway to Heaven

David Porter's picture


“I am the open door that no man can shut”


“lest you come as the child, you may in no wise have access to the Kingdom”


The child in you has never left, just put under the rug a bit, by bit, by bit. And just needs for you to breathe the breath of life back into her. Remember how mommy would provide all your needs, wake you, feed you and make sure you were ready for school.


You never doubted if you would be taken care of, and that is the memory that will best serve you now beyond anything you have ever learned as an “adult.”


There is a quick way of return to this state of mind.


You’ve been hearing, “let go, let go, let go.” My wife thought I meant of her new Honda Accord, the house, clothes and pets etc, not. By now I’m confident that you are quite aware of what needs to be released, it’s not like it hasn’t been making It’s appearance lately on a regular schedule. What is heavy on you, what pulls you down, what causes you to allow ill feelings, over and over again,,,,,,that.  


Relinquishment formula, it’s been called


Messenger of the Gods


~The all consuming Violet Flame~


The mantra

“I am the resurrection of the Violet Flame”


And or Ascended Master St Germain’s favourite,


“Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

The Violet Fire,

Transmuting all shadow into

 Light, Light, Light”


Recite one or both of these 3 consecutive times at least once daily and when ever frustration, anger, fear of any of it’s relatives set in, immediately spit this out! If you are in a situation that calls for silent mental recital, do that. But you must make habit of it during the negative energies appearance. You don’t correct the puppy and hour after the fact.   


Meditate for several minutes each day, this is most helpful and at this stage of our transition pressing on us, I have to say, necessary and critical. It’s not as important as to how you do it, as it is to do it in any method that best suits you.


When I sit, I surround myself in the Light thusly.


“I am now surrounded in the Great White Light of Christ so all that is of Christ Light may enter; all that is not of this Light may not enter.”


The doorway to Heaven is now open, yes it has been established, but it will not come “down” to swoop you up, you must do the clime. In the case that you get confused, its direction is always “up.” Up in vibration, just as the child knows well, it’s "up" in the happy land of joy~5D.


If any segments of any lessons, guidance or teachings confuses you, simply recite,

“I am Pure Divine, Crystal Clear, Cosmic Christ Consciousness.”


This will help you Remember Who You Are, now you may go to the next step of your journey knowing “Who’s” “Hand” you’re in.  



David Porter, Author of the series

Remember Who You Are, book one, The Awakening,


