Dream Talk

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By John Holland

Your subconscious constantly speaks to you in subtle ways, especially through your dreams. It’s just one of the many ways that your soul can forge that powerful connection and speak to you. We all dream to some extent every night even if we’re not able to remember the dream the next morning.

We remember some of our dreams with great clarity, but when we come to interpret them, there are some that we struggle to figure out, and there are others that just slip away as soon as the day starts. If you’re not working in partnership with your dreams then you’re missing out on a great resource for helpful advice, guidance, and direction.

Over the years, I’ve taught myself to acknowledge and listen to my dreams. For example, I know that when I dream about being immersed in water up to my chest, then it’s often symptomatic of the onset of bronchitis, so it’s a sign for me to take extra care and dose up with vitamin C. In other words, I acknowledge and act on the warning signs being given to me.
