Come sit with Me every morning. We are so close, We cannot come closer. However, your awareness can come closer. Your awareness will come closer. You are still at a little distance from trust. In this world you live in, you are guarded, and it is not so easy to put your trust anywhere. And for those of you who have put your trust in Me, sometimes you still have some reservation.
Understandably, you do not have a guarantee that I will give you exactly what you want. The opposite may arrive. You may do everything just right, yet even doing everything just right doesn’t guarantee you what you want. So much in the world is ambivalent. Either/or, good/bad, this/that are not absolute. When you were born, you were not given a certificate of guarantee. You came with the disclaimer:
Anything can happen. A lot depends upon you and, yet, everything does not depend upon you. Life will outvote you. Life will pick you up without notice, and you may find yourself in a tree, blown by a strong wind. That anything can happen means that anything can happen. You also can be discovered at an ice cream shop by an agent in Hollywood and become a star. You can write a book. The book can be published or not published. On Earth, there is no telling what will happen.
You cannot always be assured what you yourself will do. You are also a surprise to yourself or a disappointment to yourself.
Just the same, I invite you to trust in Me. You have not found Me God Accountable, because you have seen many a slip twixt cup and lip. All the while, I assure you of My reliability. I insist that you can count on Me, that I will never let you down, and then something happens that you see as loss and woe, and you are sure I let you down.
We, you and I, have a contract with terms that are not quite clear to you. You may believe that I will only uphold you, and, yet, some of your dreams are blown to smithereens. Still, I ask you to have your trust in Me.
Beloveds, there is no until death clause in Our contract because there is no death. There are guarantees in Infinity, yet on Earth you don’t know what a lifetime or a many-lifetime contract means. In fact, you did sign the contract, yet you don’t remember signing it let alone reading it. You have the idea that the contract includes love in it, love forever, yet what does consistency mean when it comes to life in the world? I guarantee you happiness and love, yet you are stuck wondering when and where?
You hear Me say that I never leave you, yet you have gone through trials where you feel alone and desolate. You have sometimes felt like the loneliest person in the world, and you may see no end to loneliness. Meanwhile, I assure and reassure you of Oneness, yet for so long as you remember, your heart has been torn in two.
I tell you again that what I promise, I deliver. You are invested in time. I only know Infinity. Well, then, let Me promise you Infinity. I give you an Infinite Warranty that you will find that everything I say is true. I do not lead you down a garden path. I take you down to where the barley grows and where lavender sways against the blue sky, and you see what is far beyond what the eye can see, and you know now that God’s Word is true.
As Earth rises, can Heaven be far behind?