Earthship is a concept of over 40 years and yet the first one ever built in Europe was in 2000. The idea is a trademark of Michael Reynolds — a US architect. In the 70s, Reynolds envisioned a home which would have three exciting traits — self sustainability, construction utilizing basic and recycled materials for the most part and affordability to the average man.
So, what is an Earthship ?
It’s a home completely or for most of it’s part off the grid. That means no electricity and water networks. There is nothing to tie it to any utility services, which eradicates dozens of potential problems.
But is the Earthship primitive ? Absolutely not.
Can I get the credit ? :)
Hello, I'm Audrey Wright and I'm the author of this article. I love it's growing popular on the web, but do you mind changing the source link to the original location @ Earthships - The Ultimate Green Homes | Medium
I just want to get the proper attribution. Sorry if I ask for too much. Cheers
I changed the link to the
I changed the link to the original on medium.com and also gave you credit. Thank you for the article Audrey!