Energy Reading For This Week ~ Where Are We In This Now?
The first card that came up is the Perception card, and this is its message: “This marker requires you to contemplate how you look at the world. Through what eyes do you see? Do you peer through those of prejudice or judgment? Are you viewing your present circumstances by projecting your past? This is the time to slow down to observe from all angles. This calls for objectivity and a willingness to examine your life and others’ through a neutral pair of eyes. Within you, awareness is transcending your ego’s separated sense of self. Rise above it—see through your soul and know that things aren’t always what they appear to be. This marker brings clarity and asks you to look and to wait. Perhaps all you need to do is to relax and put on another pair of glasses; then what is in front of you might be magically transformed. Perception is everything. Take no further action until you see how this message applies to your current situation. Then once you’ve shifted your perception, you may find that this was all that you needed to do!”
The Angels are telling me that this card also represents how you see other people around you. When you look at people, do you see them through your human (ego) eyes, or through the eyes of your Heart? It’s important now to look past the ‘outer’ and look towards the ‘inner’ because then you are looking through the eyes of your Soul and into the heart of the person. In other words, look past the ego and see their true beauty, their inner spark, the inner reflections of their Soul Light. Then there can be no judgment because all you will see is love. Put another way…Are you perceiving yourself and others as a Being of the Light, or do you see the physical only in yourself and others? Your perception must change if you are to move into the higher octaves of your existence where you exist as pure Light and Love.
The second card that came forward is the Grail card, and this one stands for romance, illusion and seeking the sacred.
Read more here....
The Angels and I love you, and we wish you a most magical weekend!
Please Note: You may share this message with our blessing! We ask only that you include the links below:
Ask Archangel Michael a Question
Receive the Trinity of Blessings Attunement from Archangel Michael
Deborah Faith ~ Messenger for the Archangels
My name is Deborah Faith and I would like to tell you a little about myself. My Spiritual awakening started many years ago in 1990 with the passing of my brother at the young and tender age of 22. His passing prompted me to seek the answers to so many questions I had about Life. Read more...
USUI Reiki Energy Healer & Master Teacher, NLP (SA) Practitioner, Energy Re-Sourcing™ Therapist and Intuitive, Clairsentient, Clairvoyant and Clairaudient Messenger for the Realms of Spirit.