The Entirely New , Cosmic Reality

Yojman's picture


The Miracle of Unity Reality


Family of miracle Love,

Together Standing in the Light is our only stance.

We who have chosen Peace shall not be moved.

With these two Truths ablaze upon our breath,

we remember.


“In the fullness of the Presence

is the Love that I require.

In the fullness of the Presence

are all the Things that I desire.”


Miracle Love, as our Group ID,

refers to the legend in the Universes

of what we truly are to this seemingly ensnared

planet and race.

Love and Love alone has seen to it

to Reclaim all into Her Jurisdiction.


As we set to experience

the Miracle of Unity Reality,

accepted and invoked by the local population,

realize that the Heavens (stars and constellations)

will be allowed to reveal

what has already happened.

A bit of “white knuckled” and “just hold on”

will inevitably ensue.


Because it has already changed. Completely.


I Am the entirely New Cosmic Reality revealed:

with Holy Spirit softening the emotions.