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When you find yourself face to face with fear, tune into your feelings, feel the feeling, allow it, it has the healing and Love your soul has been conspiring to give you so you can be in your power as a conscious creator and live your dream. Your deep rooted subconscious fears are your ally, wanting to come up to be acknowledged, accepted, released and transmuted back to Pure Love and Light.Where are you not loving and valuing yourself is the underlying theme. 


Your Soul has its own intelligence system and is working for your highest good at all times. You can rest assured that what you fear the most, which most of the time you are unaware of that deep rooted fear as by definition a subconscious fear is not conscious...Know that when you find yourself in a situation where what you feared consciously or not is happening in your life, this is your Soul offering you a chance to heal, release and be reborn from that experience with a strength and power that you did not even think you would ever have and experience. How much strength and power do you think it takes to become a Phoenix rising from the ashes of the Past...? A lot. The image tells you everything about the level of strength, freedom, and personal power that awaits you on the other side, on the side of letting go, fearlessness and CHANGE! A natural cycle of life, that only when we resist it, creates unbalance, pain and suffering on our lives. Believe me, this human journey does not have to be walked in pain and sorrow, it can be an empowering, ecstatic and happy walk if you so choose. It really takes the same amount of effort to focus on the negative or the positive. The only difference is called conscious awareness, and your natal chart and North Node contain the keys to this journey.   


The Ancient Art of Astrology is not called "the Art of Healing" for nothing. Allow yourself to dive into the wisdom, power and freedom that your chart is awaiting to reveal to you. 

Where does your natal and transiting Saturn (in scorpio till end of 2015) falls in your chart? Saturn the planet of Karma, personally my favorite energy to work with, as it will bring you face to face with those fears that are self-sabotaging you, making you feel limited and unworthy; that are preventing you to be fulfilled and happy. 

Where does your North Node and South Node fall in your chart? This is the soul journey you have set up for yourself to grow and live your dream. You now can understand the power of Soul Astrology. It is now your choice to own this power and experience ultimate freedom also referred as liberation.  I can assist you on this journey from the Dark Night of the Soul to the Phoenix rising from the ashes of the Past, with a Soul Astrology Reading, we will look at your Saturn (natal and transiting) and your North Node, your Soul Destiny, where you are being asked to grow which means being out of your comfort zone...yes it means being somewhat uncomfortable at first; the comfort zone being your south node, the gold and strengths you brought with you when incarnating. The journey is to align this gold with your North Node which means adjusting your patterns and releasing outdated ones, and of course least but not last, facing your fears! Only then you will be able to experience true and long lasting happiness and fulfillment, which is your birthright. Are you ready and willing to face your fears? Are you ready to live your Dream?


Know that you are worth it, you deserve to be who you truly are and live your Dream! If I am able to do it, you are too as we are one... I believe in you <3  


Mother Earth Blessings 

Gaia Earth Star




Gaia Earth Star is a soul astrologer, pleaidian channel and spiritual guide. She offers Soul Astrology Readings, Soul Love Readings, Intuitive Soul Guidance, Tarot Readings via Skype and Nurturing Nest Retreats in Sedona, AZ. 

Contact her at gaia@gaiaearthstar.com to schedule a personalized and in depth reading. 

Subscribe to her Youtube Channel: http://bit.ly/1cgyN23  

Read reviews on how Gaia Earth Star Readings are changing lives http://bit.ly/13w9DWz  



Thursday, August 29, 2013



