Published on Sep 1, 2012 by iHealthTube
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny cites a couple of studies that show that flu shots are no more beneficial than a placebo. However there's plenty of dangerous possible side effects from the shot that so many millions get every year.
My grandmother got GBS
My grandmother got GBS syndrome frm a flu shot and almost died!
The flu is cured by Vitamin C, all you need is some Vitamin C in stock, if you think you are coming down with it take 7000 mg, it will act as a laxative, but in one hour your flu is dead.
Or if you already HAVE IT, and its fully developed, the C will kill it anyway.
Now look at the medical reality that knows Vitamin C IV"s heal cancer, that Vitamin C heals the flu, think about how many parents brainwashed as can be send kids to the doctor when they get "the flu" to get a TEST that confirms their illness, then are told "Nothing we can do, drink lots of fluids and rest" so the kids are sick for days, when they can recover in about 1 hour, give or take 15-20 minutes.
Well, they do circumcise children against their will and that's a life long debilitation and then some, so go figure,
$atan 4 ya.