~Full Moon Energies~ The Cosmic Awakener~

Lia's picture

That luminous Moon in the sky above you is just hours away from perfect fullness.  Already, Luna is drawing a powerful energetic shift to the surface of your life.  It's a shift that's full of joy, discovery -- and the Love that keeps you alive, through every moment of your life. For the next two days, the Cosmos is awakening your ability to experience the world as never before -- to experience it as new.  

At 4:28 a.m. EST tomorrow,  the moon is full in Gemini, just as our Star moves into the zone of exact alignment with the Galactic Center.  The signals that Luna is picking up are coming straight out of the massive vortex of transformation that's at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. 

Through the lunar wisdom of your right brain, the Heart of the Universe is talking directly to you.   Wherever 25 degrees of Gemini falls in your birth chart is where the creative, evolutionary energy of the Source is bringing you as many messages as you can receive.  

Just hours after the Moon is full, a second power surge comes bursting into your life. It's the pure, cosmic electricity of Uranus, the Cosmic Awakener.   After five months beneath the surface, exploring your readiness to bring a new cycle into being,  the Cosmic Liberator is ready for action.  It's time for you -- a Cosmic Being who will never be repeated -- to more fully liberate the miracle within you.  It's the miracle of life, new and fresh in this moment, at this time, as never before. It's the miracle of you.
My friend, a lot is about to start happening -- beginning on Wednesday, when Mars, the Cosmic Warrior, sets off the first of a long, nearly continuous series of fireworks in your life. Between now and July 2014, we'll have more than 80 of these firebursts.  Do the math --  that's an average of of 10 cosmic power surges every month for the next 8 months!  Are you ready to maximize the energy?
If there's one thing we all need to know at this time, it's how, when, and where this fire power is unfolding in our one-of-a-kind cosmic energy patterns.  Here are some ways you can open yourself more deeply to the pivotal energies of this full moon, that opens the path to the Winter Solstice on Saturday:


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* Pay reverent attention -- to everything.  The Universe is sending you as many messages as you can receive!  Keep a notebook nearby in the coming days and keep track of what moves you, what surprises you, even (maybe especially) what upsets you. See them as messages from the Source -- because everyting is.  Open yourself to new meanings and new visions. 

* Join the global meditation at 6:00 a.m. EST on Tuesday, December 17 (or join at any time you can catch the wave).  Connect to the Galactic Center.  Your personal, direct pipeline is in your heart, where it's been since the moment of your birth.  Become a deeper channel for the Love that lies at the heart of Life, and the heart of you, to pour into our troubled world.

* Stay grounded in the Earth, and connected to the Source.  Gemini and Uranus are both wired into  your nervous system.  Don't overload yours!  Get plenty of sleep.  Drink lots of water.  

* Be careful -- especially while driving.  This Full Moon is packed with electrical energy.  Even if you can handle it, there's no guarantee about the driver behind you.

May these holidays be rich with blessings and  breakthroughs for you.  May you be a vessel through whom Love pours into our troubled, beautiful world.

Love and blessings,

Star Sister
(aka Marcia)


