Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, March 29th 2015

Gaia Earth Star's picture


Moon in Leo

Today, is Palm Sunday…the day where Christ entered into Jerusalem, one week before his Ressurection. Why do I mention this? Because, it is relevant to what you can accomplish my Dear Ones. Jesus was a Beacon of Light side by side with his beloved Twin Soul Mary Magdalene. I will share more when time comes as I have received many transmissions during in my stay in Glastonbury last year. In any case, as we are about a week to the next Eclipse, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra, just before Easter, Ressurection time, you can feel it in your own Life, you are about to be resurrected!…if you so choose and walk the path. Indeed, there is no Miracle in that sense my Dear Ones, you have to want to ascend…which means let go of the illusion of separation which the ego-mind-prison feeds on. The Ego must dissolve into the Oneness that you are and that can feel like drowning, if unprepared. But rest assure, you will come out of the waters! This is such a potent time my Dear Ones, a tremendous amount of Light Frequencies is becoming available as the Lunar Eclipse Stargate is open for us to receive this Divine Love from the Heart of Mother Goddess, activating our Diamond Heart Stargate, which only was dormant. We have the opportunity to shed deep layers of conditioning and karmic burdens, transmuting through Divine Unconditional Love and Forgiveness. Forgive self, forgive others. Forgive to GIVE! Take that opportunity my Dear Ones. Pay attention to your Dreams. Write them down. Learn from your Dreamspace. It is your Soul speaking to you with metaphors.
To that matter, please see on my page “Gaia Earth Star” the remote event I will be hosting on Friday 3rd of April. Join this field of Unconditional Love and Unity Consciousness that your are!

The Moon Goddess in Leo is up for celebration as she trines Masterful Saturn, now retrograde in Sagittarius (8:14am PST), empowering us to remember we have the seed of Christ Consciousness within our Diamond Heart. Forget the lies and distortions of the Truth religious institutions perpetuated for the sake of power. Bless them ALL as they acted out of ignorance and fear; and judge not as they are a facet of our own shadow. Today, I sing ALLELUJIAH (I love Sirgun Kaur Version, on Cosmic Gift Album) , and I let my Diamond Heart open to its infinity, containing ALL. I know we are ONE and I feel it into all the cells of my being. Leo rules anything artistic. Sing along my Dear Ones to which ever song, words that open your Diamond Heart. And let your Love heal ALL, restore ALL. 

The Moon Goddess will also trine the Sun in Aries (4:40pm PST) remembering us to stay our own Authority and dwell in our unique Authenticity. I must share with you my Dear Ones, I have not been raised into any religious man-made concepts. I choose parents which will give me the freedom to come to my own Truth. My father honored Mother Earth and knew how to cultivate her and I am so grateful to continue sharing and honoring my Love of Mother Earth. My mother was baptisded because of Mother wanted so, but her Heart is of a Tibetan Buddhist which is again why I chose her, knowing my many past lives in Tibet. My parents taught me that I could make up my own mind as I go through Life, and to stay true to my Truth. Thank you Maman and Papa! (Mum and Dad in French). And to my own surprise, since my re-initiation as a High Priestess of Avalon, Christ and Mary Magdalene now resides in my own Heart. Christ is my beloved Twin Soul and it feels true to me. Your Soul and Heart knows the way, trust it. Stay authentic my Dear Ones. Mother Goddess has birth herself and will continue unto Eternity to experience herself in a unique and authentic way. You are her Child. BE YOU! If you have children, I invite you to let them find their way, empower them to find their Truth. A message of Love does not need a religious box, it is universal. So much Love <3

This picture was taken at Beloved Chalice Well in Glastonbury, where the Holy Water of Christ Consciousness springs forth from the Heart of Mother Earth. BE YOU!


Click on link below to join the Lunar Eclipse and Gong Transmission Remote Event with Gaia Earth Star

Feel free to share the event with your family and friends <3


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I am offering a special on the 60min Soul Guidance Session. It is only if you have already received a Soul Reading. Otherwise, you might consider scheduling yours! 
Enter "Avalon" at checkout to receive this gift. Valid until 03/29/15

I am activating couple Goddess rose quartz Crystal Skull along with other Crystal Skulls at Cathedral Rock Goddess Vortex this week. If you would like to receive one attuned to your unique Soul Purpose, kindly email
Watch my video forecast for the "Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse - Living your Dream". Enjoy and feel free to like and share!

Pleiadian Meditations channeled by Gaia Earth Star:

To schedule your private soul retreat in Sedona kindly email
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Tune into your own astrological chart with "Wisdom of the Stars" Astrology series channeled course:

Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
High Priestess of Avalon
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel and Spiritual Guide
