Galactic Free Press ~ Love Meeting of July 1, 2013 Revised Updated Edition

Lia's picture

 Meeting Minutes Docmented by Angels2You

What is Truly Unfolding? FINALLY Can You Feel It?


You can Join us Every Monday and Wednesday at 10:30am pacific to join in these discussions about what is really happening On Planet Earth=Heart At this Link:




New Show
Michael Genova will be doing a new show every Thursday evening at 7:30EST.
The Office of POOF
Did not post yesterday’s “Office of Poof” message. Poof went to the starship and his replacement’s message 
doesn’t feel clear enough to share. Things ARE happening now and there IS victory for the Light, 
but that is already a message that is very well known and clear.
All Bloggers are Getting on the Same Page
A lot is happening and everyone seems to be on the same page. Things are happening synchronistically. It is undeniable. 
Everyone is speaking the same language. AS a result we will be going to as Many Shorter Daily Updates Per week as Possible beginning this Friday.
In order to experience physicality, you were put into male and female aspects.  
If you are female, you have a male and if you are male, you have a female. 
This is your mirror so you can experience physical reality.  
UFO’s: What really Happened in Area 51?
July 7th is the anniversary of The UFO Crash at Roswell, Texas
Rain: Was Roswell was a Grey ship? 
MG: Yes, the Government and Greys were in cahoots with each other so they were already working together. 
It turned out to be a big deal because many were unaware of the Greys existence. 
The CIA knew but it all had to be covered up from the public. 
Rain: Certain people in our Government have known about this from the beginning. 
At what point did they start a secret space program?
MG: After WWII.
Rain: How did Project Paperclip fit into all of this?  
MG: All major illusionary government were in contact with the Greys - not just the US. 
The Greys are dissolving and will go into the black-hole to be recycled energy.
If any Governments were working with our Star Family of Light, there would be Peace on Earth.
Rain: The Roswell crash happened in 1947. 
Was that the same year that MG and FG realized they had to come to Earth to intervene?
MG: Yes. 
When MG and FG took Human form, it was known on the Planet. 
It was like a light bulb went off, but it was not known where MG and FG were physically located. 
It was simply known that they were here.
Transitioning Out of The Body
Question: I have a relative who is terrified of dying and is about to transition. 
What can I say to him to help him release his fear?
MG: Tell him he’s going home. The Soul knows the truth. Everyone is there to greet you and he’ll know what that means, 
and he’ll be really happy and joyful. He’ll be going to the Starship. You can also speak with him telepathically.
Many people are going to be transitioning right now. These energies are very powerful. 
We’ve been saying this all along. When in doubt, send love.
Wildfires In Arizona ~ Intense Cleansing of the Vortexes there
Fires in Arizona were ignited by lightening strike. Prescott is between Phoenix and Sedona. There is a lot of clearing in that area. 
Sedona is another portal which is directly linked to Mt. Shasta. So if we are igniting the first Light City with our Family ReUnion, 
it makes sense that Sedona may well be another City of Light. Lake Titicaca may be another.
The first Light City will be wherever MG and FG live, and will spread to other portals. It may well be Mt. Shasta.
MG - “The Road to Full Consciousness”
Right Now all of Humanity is in the Process of Becoming Full Consciousness. Some May leave the Planet in Numbers 
as we Proceed into Complete 5D Reality, WHICH IS LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT~
The reason for many leaving is the Intense Energy Increase that is Now Penetrating to the very core of Mother Earth=Heart 
which is Connected to All Human Beings On Planet Earth=Heart. This Divine Energy seeded here By Us, Mother and Father God, 
is Pure Love Energy to Awaken Each Being on This Planet. 
This Was Set in The Divine Plan as this Moment of Now for the Release of this  Energy.
When others do not transform with us, they leave our space. The Soul knows the truth no matter what the ego says.  
The ego is a great liar. It’s been fascinating to observe the ego and to see what  it’s conjured up. 
Question: What does one do with backlash from others?  
MG: Walk away, Send Love! When In doubt Always Send Love. Ego's go into a fight or flight around those in the Light.  Simply Being Aware!
Filo: You can use the Violet Flame to protect yourself to neutralizes all energy. 
St. Germain is the holder of the Violet Flame. Ask for protection.
Rain: There is a lot of information on the Press that is helpful to read.  
Ego is everything that is not Love, and that includes all fear.
If you can pinpoint what you are afraid of, that will explain the issue that you having. 
That can also explain our attachments to anything in 3d - people and things. Everything that you think that you are. 
Unconsciousness connecting with unconsciousness in ourselves can be a trigger for clearing. Comfort zones are ego. 
We have to keep breaking comfort zones so we can keep growing. Humbleness is also ego. There are many ego traits.
When people project their own egos onto you, they are really telling you about themselves.  
This is the same for when people go into denial.  
When one judges another, it is because you are viewing others as a mirror of yourself.  
When new people come to the room, they will commonly feel that we are being judgmental 
and not understand the difference between judgment and observation. Observation is a state of neutrality.
MG: When we shine light, others who are not walking in light will project their issues onto us and think it is us, when it is not. 
That is how the ego works. The ego judges and blames.
The ego is nothing but a LIE.
Anyone who claims that the ego is a good thing is a handler.
“Spiritual egos” are the most dangerous egos on this Planet because they think they know something 
and are spreading disinformation under the guise of helping others.
[For GFP articles on ego, please go to:]
The Lightworker Grid of Light
Each Lightworker affects 71-million other energy fields when we are simply present in the moment of Now. 
That means we are in the Now, in Love, in Service. In Peace, in Joy.  A great “job” description!
Individually, each Lightworker has this effect.  This is how we are changing the Planet.  
FG and MG can see the change in Frequency from 2007 until now because so many have raised their own Frequency.
When we connect, we make a grid like Buckminster Fuller made grids - that keeps expanding and expanding and expanding.
Whats Going On with the Sun and How this is Effecting the Planet and Humanity
KP7 Geomagnetic storm - Which will hit us with C1 class flare today. The increased energy affects our magnetic energetic fields 
and our individual fields as well, activating our DNA.
Are there really Mermaids?
Yes, Mermaids exist. They are Inner Earth beings.
The Increasing Protests Energy 
& The Inevitable Indigo Love REvolution is All Happening and cannot Be Stopped
Celia Fenn does a brilliant job of documenting what is happening.
[For more information, please go to:]
We Have reached Critical Mass and what this Means Now
We are on our way to 5D and there is no turning back. We completed the Bridge from 3D to 5D on December 21, 2102.  
We’ve given everyone a fast-track to come into the Light. 
Right Now all of Humanity is in the Process of Becoming Full Consciousness. 
Some May leave the Planet in Numbers as we proceed into Complete 5D Reality, 
The reason for many leaving is the Intense Energy Increase that is Now Penetrating to the very core 
of Mother Earth=Heart which is Connected to All Human Beings On Planet Earth=Heart. 
This Divine Energy seeded here By Us, Mother and Father God, 
is Pure Love Energy to Awaken Each Being on This Planet. 
This Was Set in The Divine Plan as this Moment of Now for the Release of this Energy.
This Energy is Putting Intense Pressure on the program ego mind, which is what is termed darkness. 
What this is accomplishing is the dissolving of the program mind, 
and then The Real Being Emerges from this Experience.
Although all on Planet Earth=Heart at this time Contracted for this, not all will be able to release the ego. 
So, then they must transform through a physical death. All Are going Home Into 5d Reality In...
We have a very rare alignment on July 29th which is the last day of our camping trip. 
This alignment goes all the way back to when we came through the Sagittarius Galaxy to the Milky Way 
where we went through Transformers to come into 3D. It’s been billions of years ago. 
This an extremely rare alignment. 
We are bridging Heaven and Earth. 
This is the end of duality and the coming back of returning to the Light forever.
The Biggest Opportunity in All of Creation
Question - Apparently many, many people wanted to be at this time on Planet Earth. How did we get to be here now?
MG - GodZillions of beings stood on line to be here at this time to be here at this time and we chose only the very best of the best of the best of the best because this has never happened before in All of Creation where we have gone from 3D to 5D in form.
Everyone stuck in ego is missing it! It’s happening and people are missing the biggest opportunity in all of creation!
This is the first time in all of Creation, 
we are allowing a civilization to transform in physical form.
Earth is the Emerald Planet, the Heart of the Universe.
That is why everyone has a Heart.
Mother Earth has been out of the circuit for 19-billion years and has been reconnected 
which is why Humanity has to wake up now. 
They have no choice. 
Where do Souls Go Who Opt for Physical Death and Don’t Want to Ascend?
Question - What happens to those Souls who want to stay in 3D?
MG - They go to another 3D Planet that is very dense that is much more difficult and much more challenging 
and they’ll have to wake up there.  They’ll be watched over by highly intelligent beings until they wake up.
Question - Is this correct that coming to Earth now was a very special mission 
and that those that chose to stay in ego and not wake up really blew it?
MG - Yes.  When we had to start dealing with the egos, we had no idea how deep the egos went and how cruel. 
I spent some months crying over it, and wondering How we could possibly wake them up. Well, that Was 6 Years ago and Look at us NOW!
Rain - There was also mind control and the Illuminati and people screwing with the dream machine so it was a very complex issue. 
The Illuminati has been in control for 13,000 years.  Many factors.
MG - But we all made it here. When I woke up, I had no one to talk to. 
I was eating processed foods and probably GMOS" LOL, drinking fluoridated water and all kinds of things but still made it through. 
We can give excuses but we can still make it through. The Answer is to Simply Make the Choice Of Love and Then Love Begins Handling the Details and All of Creation Supports You.
Rain - When MG and FG got together and were able to perform many behind the scenes events to lay the foundational energies for Divine Intervention, 
this enabled and Ignited the Planetary Awakening on the Planet to move into motion.
MG - Through All these events all higher selves participated whether they are aware of this or not because they are all connected to US. We are Indeed One!
Choose LOVE...



LOVE Meeting - July 1

cindyloucbp's picture

Yes! I Am unable to attend meetings during the day due to work and thus, really deeply appreciate this question and answer format for sharing the info from these meetings. Keep it up for those of us busy during the day...



love 2 angels

lemme howdt's picture

awesome recap - i can imagine the persons making their individual points,  Thank you so much for taking on this important role.  love from lemme

Know, Weigh : visit lemme and doc


Angels2You's picture

Thank you for the feedback. The meetings are about 3-1/2 hours long so there is a lot of content but I'm getting the most important information into print. It's fascinating!