Minutes by Angels2You
Galactic Free Press - Staff Meeting of June 26, 2013
Minutes by Angels2You
The Energy is Unstoppable Now...
This Week’s Energy and Event Update Discussion
- It’s Loves Turn Now
- The Truth comes spilling out......
- Humanity's Hero's Stepping Forward as Examples of Truth
Greetings Love Beings, We have Had Some Powerful Energies Arrive to Us in recent days and we are Seeing The Truth Set Ablaze with Several events occurring all over the Planet. As Anticipated Humanity is Rising! This Energy is Unstoppable Now and Humanity's Destiny is truly Unfolding.
Mercury went retrograde today. Salvador Russo gives the following astrological analysis:
Every twelve years Jupiter crosses the nadir of the Zodiac. In the mystic tradition this sacred point is known as the “Root of Life” and its astronomical location in Heaven is zero degrees Cancer, the same point as our summer solstice. That Jupiter returns to the Root of Life is a marvel of marvels as the Earth itself will be birthed into new life from the very cells of its formation.
As these words enter your mind we see that our world is in the midst of the most intense period of transformation that we have ever known. The signs are on the wall and we know in our hearts that there is no turning back. The simple meaning of this divine transit is that our life foundations will be restored with a magnitude and extent that could only come from God. In the cosmos the celestial crab has always been a symbol of security. The time has now come for divine security to envelop all who love God. As of June 26th 2013, God’s waves of grace are unleashed to the world!”
Jupiter - Planet of joy.
Globally, we are all connected in the same Light Vibration guiding the way for Humanity and Love is the ultimate outcome. This cannot be run from. These signs are showing up with the Texas last minute win for women’s pro-choice rights, and Snowden covered his bases. A woman in Texas, Wendy, stood up for 13 hours for pro-choice laws. It’s all about truth now. That is the arena we are now in. As Lightworkers are now standing up in a very public way, this helps everyone to wake up and do the same.
Snowden set himself up so that the information he has is coded to be opened in the event of his imprisonment or death. One way or another, the information will come out.
Much unconscious energy is leaving the planet with the flooding in India. Those transitioning in India felt, on a Contract level, that it was their mission to do so. Coincided with Solstice and Super Moon energy, and we’re in Cancer. This allows more room for the higher energies to move in - this happens slowly.
Lightworkers in fear about money feeds into “lack” consciousness. There is a whole group that are not really lightworkers facilitating that whole issue. It is a part of letting go. When MG let go and choose LOVE completely, she walked away from the material world with $20 in her pocket and trusted Love from then on. You cannot trust both. You trust Love or the Illusion.
There are prominent groups having major issues trying to promote fantasy and illusion, and not promoting the Oneness energy. Those in the Oneness flow will have truly magical experiences but those holding on to the old paradigm will be challenged. Like we’ve said many times in these meetings - we’ve been preparing Humanity for a long time for these times we are now in but we’ve said all along and have said that if you’re trying to hold on to the illusion, it will be very unpleasant. You can hold on to Love because Love is real. It’s really that simple. Choose LOVE.
Those in the GFP Grid Room have surrendered and connected to Love. That is how we all arrived here now and others will too.
Financially, if you are attached to material things, they will feel like an anchor around your neck. When MG and FG got together, they limited their belongings to one suitcase. Cut cords with unnecessary items - and it’s not your job or mission to stay connected to those things or people who no longer resonate with you. The old paradigm is no longer. It is not necessarily an easy process but it is necessary to choose your path. When there is disharmony, choose a path that brings harmony. Trust in your Self, Guides and Angels. Trust in the Love vibration for like attracts like. Decree: “I am Abundance.” The Universe can only answer what you are decreeing. The mighty “I AM”. Don’t let anyone take away your peace or abundance as it is your God given right.
There were over 10,000 people at the Capitol in Austin, Texas, last night, screaming in protest against the anti-abortion bill in favor of pro-choice rights. Our work as Lightworkers is not to protest or fight but to hold the Unity Grid of Love in the highest vibration possible. That is our job. We are blazing a trail of Love. This energy is spiraling around the globe.
There is activity happening in Greece, Turkey, Hong Kong, China, Brazil, Bulgaria, Egypt - sparking up around the planet.
Everyone has their own mission.
Choose Love.
Thank you
Angels, you really are an angel, thank you so much for this!!!