~The Galactic Free Press~ Special Sunday Edition~ For Your Reading Pleasure~

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~From our Galactic Files~







The Divine Destiny of Love is Oneness. The Divine Destiny of God is Love. Oneness is the Experience of True Destiny~


~God does not have to walk on water, Cause God is The Water~


~The Divine has a far Greater Destiny then illusion~



~Sin is missing God, Love is Finding God~



~We have come together in Oneness, to share The ALL We Are With ALL There IS, thats Family, God's Family. If You Miss it, We will send you a postcard~


~The Divine Speaks what does that sound like? Can you hear?


Now Listen~ See We are interdimensional Beings extroverted. We have seen what is inside and it is everywhere,  and when we let go this fills up everything We see with all We are. Love looked at the Unknowable and said Yes, they are Right there In There~


~ Its Nice to see the Planet shimmer again, it was looking a little dull When We first got here~



~God Created God so God could Be God. Out of God Love Creates. Its a Brilliant Oneness Within The ALL~




~The Stairway to Heaven is Simply Being Present. Take one step be Present remember and you got it, its a nice walk home! ~




~Once You arrive in 5D Reality, Love is Everywhere Present, the energy is not dense, because Creation is made of Light. You are Then Clear of all density, and You Are Free! ~


~Ignorance told us Love could not come into this Realm. Love came Anyway. WE are This Love and We are Here to Give All Love Away. Love does not care what color your skin is, or what your Body Hologram Looks Like. All of Humanity is Just Energy. Atoms of Energy. Your body hologram is a Temporary Housing For Your Angel Souls,
On 10~28~11 your inner Flames began burning through the Soul Housing, your transformation began~


~The energy that the darkness held for 13, 000 years was Released to US, so that This Energy can be used for Humanity's Ascension Home Into The Light.



~3d is completely dissolved, and all the Energy that was contained there in is released into The Now. The Now who are Aware will be blessed by even more~


End Transmission With Love Everywhere Present






~Let the Divine Light Awaken Us ALL. Change is imminent, the Change is within us.

The human Collective Consciousness is shifting to another step of our evolution, the manifestation of Self as the Ocean of Higher Vibrational State of Point Omega. The awakening of US all as One, WE are One.
Superior change of perception that we already ...know,the chakras are embraced by Light illumination, Divine Creations as we are,WE heal.
The change was never felt before,the change is today, You are the change.
Om Mani Padme Hum ~





~Love Letters from and To the Editors~






Father~MotherGod Amon Ra,


How is my resume holding? Any flying positions in your Family of Light? I love you Beloved Mother God and Father God, for your precious humor and joy that radiate from every word you writing to US.
Somehow my shoulder blades are itching eve...ry day more and more? Anything serious you think, Dr. Gods?

Love Predrag


Father~MotherGod Amon Ra,


;-))) ... so HappY I AM to BE HerE and NOW ...walking with YOU ALL BeautY*FULL PRE*CiouS SOULS on OUR NEW BE*LOVED GAïA and flying with mY WidE OPEN ANGEL WINGS in ThE SamE SKY ... having ThE BiG OpportunitY to disco*ver ALL UNI*VERSES a...nd TherE to ex*per*I*ment mY DIVINE ConsciouS of LIGHT BEinG ... so BlesseD I feel to have re*ceived ... as YOU ALL ... directlY from THE * ONE * PrimE SOURCE CREATOR ... ThE MOTHER GOD'S AND FATHER GOD'S most PRE*CiouS GIFT ... THE ETERNAL LIFE ... so much LOVE to YOU BOTH ... MOTHER*FATHER*GOD AMON RA to BE HerE with US ... re*presenting and operating so MarvelouS*LY what YOU are ... THE I*DeaL MOM and DAD on HearT = EartH ...  I LOVE YOU  ...


Anne Widmer




Love Reporter St. Germain



"My Dear Ones Believe what you hear because you are but a whisper away from the most exciting event. An event that will reverberate all around the world. One that will move you to the promised changes and release you from the thraldom of centuries of oppression."

"You are powerful and are manifesting a New Vision for Earth, one that fulfills your desire to lift up and leave the old behind.....as you bring the New Earth into being, so your own evolution proceeds to gain pace and the enlightenment of the masses grows in intensity."

"What is taking place is unstoppable, and in it's ultimate expression will surpass your desires and ideas of what it is like to Ascend. Your experience shall be a unique and most exciting time."

"The cycle has to end in it's present expression, having served its purpose in allowing you to experience duality."

"Your Radiance is creating such a magnificent glow upon Earth that it is attracting the attention of other Light Beings who gather to witness your Ascension."

"What you are experiencing is contained in the energy you call "God." This profound energy permeates all that is , and has been your assurance that you would rise up out of the darkness.

You have always known that eventually you would have the opportunity to lift up again, into the Light that was your home before you accepted the challenge of duality.

It will be a most stupendous and great occasion, and the most de-light-ful and complete experience you have ever had."



~Earth is an unusual planet and it is quite alive in its own right. It is nearing an alignment with this luminous field of First Source that enables a planet to shift its dimensional frequency. All of us are ascending dimensionally through timespace. This ascension is not arbitrary or capricious in any way. Rather, it is the plan of First Source in action.~ --James, www.wingmakers.com



John E Hall

~Look not from the mind, but from the soul. For the life that is coming is already before us, waiting to open up the world. Just look more closely. Find the eyes to see.~

- First Insight


Love Reporter Birget Anderson



~Now is a very crucial time for clearing energy patters, we are moving into a new... Era of Time, where we should not bring with us the old; Angels are clearing us now in meditation and in dreams, and Angels are showing us souls, who can assist us in our clearing process ~


~Your heart is free,
Have the courage to follow it.~~~Taken from Braveheart

Know your heart is the centre of all that is and trust it will lead you to where you are meant to be. May your week be blessed.~~



Love Reporter Lane Wallace

~Dec 21, 2012~

~Then we start a double transformational shift as the planet and all on her, including humans, rapidly move towards ascension. This is the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth that there has ever been in the entire history of the planet and beings from all over the Universes are watching in awe at what is happening on Earth~


~The Tao 46~

~When a country is in harmony with the Tao,
the factories make trucks and tractors.
When a country goes counter to the Tao,
warheads are stockpiled outside the cities.

There is no greater illusion than fear,
no greater wrong than preparing to defend yourself,
no greater misfortune than having an enemy.

Whoever can see through all fear
will always be safe. ~


Invocation for the New Reality Paradigm

I call upon Mother Father God, and all the Beings of Light from On High that
I personally acknowledge,
as I align with my Mighty I Am Presence,
...the Highest Light of Who I Am and Who I
have Forever Been,

I now call for a complete activation of the 13are Strand DNA and a clearing of
all limited beliefs and patterns I may hold at a cellular level,
so I may truly experience myself as this Master Being of Love and Light.

I now call upon the Company of Heaven and my I Am Presence to assist in downloading all the key codes of Light that I am needing in this Now,
to take me into unconditional Love and One Unity Consciousness.

I now find myself on the Unity Grid of Light,
this crystalline grid of Light, within and around this earth plane,
connected to Mother Earth,
and a minimum of one million Light workers along this grid of Light,
and all the Beings of Light from On High assisting in this ascension of the earth.

I am now surrounded in the golden flame of Unity Consciousness,
as I merge completely with my I Am Presence.
In this energy of Love and Unity Consciousness,
I now envisage a spiralling vortex of Light about my aura,
combining with all those along the Unity Grid,
holding the focus of World Peace, Love and Unity Consciousness for
this new Golden Age.

I now experience this collective Christed Consciousness,
opening my heart to all Life,
recognizing myself as One with all Life,
One with Mother/Father God.

As I project my Christed Consciousness into the future,
I envisage an earth where all Life co-creates in Love and lives fearlessly.

I envisage a world of harmony and abundance for all Life on this earth

I envisage a world of Love and joy for all Life on this earth plane.

I envisage a world of One Unity Consciousness for all Life on this earth

I envisage a world enlightened by the new Reality Paradigm, the Golden Age of Aquarius.

As this first wave Soul in human embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint,
I envisage this Blueprint of Light for all Life on this earth plane.

And so it is.



~Abraham-Hicks™ ~We want you to breathe rather than try, to relax rather than offer effort, to smile rather than struggle, to be rather than do. For your true power is experienced only from inside the Vortex~




Thank You for Honoring us and our Continued Dedication to You and All Of Humanity with your support today if you can share! We would also like to begin placing the names Who share with Us. If You Would Like to Remain anonymous let us know through email. If this is ok, you will not need an email. We will only use first names. We Send All Love Shares a Personal Thank You from All of Us here at The Galactic Free Staff and you can let us know, if you respond with the Word A, and we will place you as anonymous ~



December fund total 269.66$

December funding goal 2000$


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