The Galactic Free Press Update~ The Great Gift of the October Surprise.

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, Wow it has been intense and wild energy for the past week just like we shared would occur in our last update. Today at least the energies calmed down enough for us to be able to share and express what has now occurred and is occurring.  In the past 2 days we have gone through 2 more Portals. These days these portals are coming one after the Other. These High Energy portals are bringing us closer to all of You, and all of You are coming closer to US!  Also, as these Open, More Energy of Reality or Pure Consciousness Energy pours in. These particular portals are preparing everyone energetically for the Powerful 11~11 Portal Opening! This One Is Going to Be Lighting up Your Lives in a Grand Way! The time to Be Clear of all old energies is NOW! We are birthing a New Paradigm and each of You Are being reconnected to the Unified Field on the Planet and this is unstoppable.

Read the full update: