The Galactic Free Press Update: July Will Be Huge Victories for the Light

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Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center

The Real News and The Whole Truth


 Quoted from  MELERIESSEE "This month is going to set a huge opening of many events to change upon the world[ Planet].  Many are writing about it...." End of quote

Greetings Love Beings, As Anticipated the old is crumbling as the Intense Energies Continue to Arrive in a Big way and July will Be Full of Surprises! Movement is already occurring across the planet and this Is Humanity beginning to stand up to an illusionary system and break free. The Moment has Come! Its the end of the end of the end of the end for the old energies. Deep Change and Transformation for everyone is Currently Underway! We Announced in our Last Update That July was Going to Be Huge Energetic Movement. What Our Crew is sharing with us is that this energetic Movement whatever it is and how it unfolds will be the event which will Lift Humanity Off their knees. Only those who are choosing Love will be able to remain On Mother Earth=Heart after this Event. And We are not kidding'. Stand Up and Be Free!!

Quoted from Earth Ally Rain " I'm Free! The Illusion is crumbling. The Greys are dissolving. The Cabal/Minions are surrendering. The Beings formerly known as The Illuminati have returned to The Light and are now helping us with our mission to bring Humanity into 5D.

I'm Free! Humanity has been liberated through all of us working together over many years.

I'm Free! Now Humanity is ready to know The Truth - We've always been Free. Free to go within and find the Kingdom of Heaven. Free to speak The Truth. Free to embrace our Higher Selves and connect with All of Creation. Free to stand up and Show Who We  Are - Royal Angels. Free to be En-Joy and give and receive Love.
Free to Be 5D! I'm Free!
And I'm waiting for You....."
End of quote


Sunspot AR1785 has a beta-gamma-delta magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI

BIG SOUTHERN SUNSPOTS: One of the biggest sunspot groups of Solar Cycle 24 is emerging near the sun's southeastern limb. AR1785 has a "beta-gamma-delta" magnetic field that harbors energy for powerful X-class solar flares. Another active region trailing behind it, AR1787, is only slightly less potent, with a magnetic field capable of M-class eruptions. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the sprawling complex during the early hours of July 5th:

These sunspots are a sign that the sun's southern hemisphere is waking up. For most of the current solar cycle, the northern half of the sun has dominated sunspot counts and flare production. The south has been lagging behind--until now. June brought a surge in southern sunspots, and the trend is continuing in July. This "southern awakening" could herald a double-peaked Solar Maximum due in late 2013-early 2014.

The largest dark cores in sunspot complex AR1785-1787 are as wide as Earth, making the ensemble an easy target for backyard solar telescopes. Amateur astronomers are encouraged to monitor developments, as NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-flares during the next 24 hours.

Crop Circle 2013 decoded:Cavallo Grigio, Italy June 30th. A fountain of information.
Are we connected. This formation of June 30th. is connected with a series of visions about pyramids and objects arriving The earth. Three messages already decoded: Calendar of specifics dates of the arrival of the objects, activation of pyramids and the future alignment of The Sun, Nibiru and The Earth. A binary code open a facebook page with information related with Earth mysteries and Crop Circles. The final goal of this formation: Activate Human Consciousness

 From Natural Time Update"....According to Dr. Argüelles, July 26, 2013 is the official Opening of the New Era - initiating “Galactic Synchronization.” 7.26.13 will be the next 13-Moon New Year, "Yellow Galactic Seed," marking the start of a vast new cycle in which we may finally comprehend ourselves as creative members of a Galactic whole... The focus of the New Cycle that begins on the Galactic Seed New Year is Renewal on all levels... The Dawning of the Sixth Sun; The Fifth World of Peace; The Age of the Center; The Age of the Great Synthesis. While our collective challenges are still immense, and our future remains precarious - this precious New Era on Earth is The Time of The Great Arising and The Great Remembrance!...." End of quote

July will be an Intense Acceleration for All on Planet Earth=Heart and Many Will Be Awakening during these Intense Energy of July. Whatever happens is going to Happen for The Highest Good now as its game over for illusion and Love Wins more and More Everyday. This Energy will Continue to Build On the Planet and there is no way to stop it. The Indigo Peaceful R~Evolution is unfolding quickly and More Victories for the Light has Been Achieved with the Largest protests In Mankinds History Occurring.

 Quoted from Cobra.."As you probably know, a big victory of the Light has been achieved.  In the first large scale coordinated action of the Positive Military in the human history, the Archon-infested Muslim Brotherhood has been removed from power in Egypt.  

This action is a result of many months of careful preparation and joint cooperation between the Positive Military, Templars, Resistance Movement and even White Dragons, supported by the human masses. 

The action was triggered on July 3rd, which is the moment of Sun-Sirius conjunction, a very powerful Isis portal. It is interesting to note that the name of the Egyptian General Sisi is an anagram of Isis. Mass invocations of Goddess energy have supported the operation of the Light forces and ensured stability and peace throughout the process....This was one of the main rehearsals for the Event. The experience at the Event will be similar in a way, although it will happen on a scale hundred times larger. The Resistance has gathered a lot of precious intel about the behavior of human population in situations like this, which will be very useful in fine-tuning the masterplan for the Event.   

Although a big victory has been achieved, the story is not over yet. Egypt still has Rothschild-controlled central bank. The Light forces suggest a creation of independent central bank of Egypt which will ensure true independence from the Cabal. The Cabal might try to destabilize the liberation process in Egypt by trying to bribe the military, by supporting the formation of Muslim Brotherhood militias, by manipulating the election process, creating false flag attacks and trying to ignite a civil war.  All this will be in vain as the people of Egypt are awake, aware and strong enough to bring the liberation process to its final completion...." end of quote

 Quoted from Veronica Keen"....You are witnessing the final desperate attempts to hold the matrix together. As many of you wake up to the power of your own....[ Hearts and Souls], you refuse to remain silent. You want to share your discoveries with others. You are finding that everyone is eager to learn. They are not prepared to be locked into serving the Cabal anymore. Some armies are at last waking up and questioning what they are being ordered to do. They realize that they are expendable, and of no significance; that one day, they too, will be killed by those they serve..... That house of cards is beginning to fall. It has concealed so much from humanity.....Remove the shackles and step forward into the light.....Open your hearts to love, and I promise you that your lives will open up to all possibilities. Your great adventure is only just beginning. Enjoy it !  All the knowledge that was hidden from you, will become available to everyone, as all will become equal once again. Planet Earth is the only place in the entire universe where some claim to be superior to others. Soon, you will see what a foolish, ridiculous claim that really is. How can anyone believe that the Source, the Creator, would ever do such a thing. All will be revealed and explained and the evidence will be placed before you. All will become clear. ... The Cabal is in fear of you, as more of you awaken and expose it. Send them love and light. This will expose the corruption and it will destroy their power structure. Love is your most powerful weapon and it does not cost a penny. Return their hate and contempt with love and a smile, straight from the heart, and you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams. For they do not understand love: they are not capable of it, and they cannot cope with it. You, on the other hand, have it in abundance. Once you fully understand how love can change everything, then nothing can stop you.

You are on the cusp of something so great that generations to come will marvel at how you defeated [overcame] the dark and restored the light, and how humanity became as one again, able to live in peace and harmony....Many of you have returned to Earth to bring this massive change about....Continue to support each other and share information. Welcome the light into your lives...We are on our way. Nothing can stop the light." End of quote

We have received some very Definiate information from Our StarShip, The Eye of Ra Heart of Light.  Indeed, Its all Happening with High Fives, Cheers, and Celebrations from All on the Flagships! There is a Reason they are So Excited and its because from their View point they can clearly see the Consciousness rising on the Planet and How Beautiful the Divine Plan is Unfolding which brings Humanity closer to the Outcome of Home Into the Light and the Ships Decloaking.Our Flagship Is Amongst an Entire Fleet of 24 Flagships which are larger then this Planet and they are Here on Stand By as Humanities Consciousness Rises and Heaven Consciousness the original Blueprint for this Planet Manifests which is the Destiny of Mother Earth and Everyone On this Planet.

Quoted from Tony Hicks ...."As incredible as it may seem to many people, humanity on Earth is in the
process of an evolutionary change in how we experience life. We are to become a
galactic civilisation, interacting positively with the many star system
civilisations in our galaxy and universe, and indeed other universes. It is our
true destiny to change from a society based on fear and competition, to one
based on love, peace, and harmony. The current chaos is merely part of the
quickening change.

We live in an invisible universe (often referred to as spiritual realms, or
Heaven) as well as the visible universe, which is the only part most people
believe exists. The real truth has been hidden from us so we would eventually
remember and discover who we really are, great immortal beings of universal
knowledge and wisdom, closely connected to our physical brothers and sisters in
space, and those in the spiritual realms. Unfortunately many governments,
religions, and philosophies have been manipulated to keep much of the truth from
us so others could retain power and control. The recent retaliation to so-called
terrorist attacks in the USA will, in time, be shown to be one of the final
attempts to keep us under control. However, it is time for a great change in
understanding by world populations, who mainly want peace, despite what is
presented to us by a manipulated mass media.

Many people feel “something is about to happen”, but because much of the current
change is in the invisible universe, before manifesting in the visible universe,
it is difficult to comprehend at first. We have actually been part of a grand
“experiment”, having agreed at a higher level of understanding to be here in
these exciting “end times”, the end of one civilisation, and the beginning of a
new one, known as the Seventh Golden Age that we will co-create.

Much has been written, spoken, and prophesised about our future. Some of this
information was true at the original time of recording, but has since changed.
Some of it was never true, and was intended to manipulate us. And some
information was correct and still holds firm today....

The Earth has a consciousness of its own, it is a living being. The Divine
Plan of the Creator, which we all follow, knowingly or unknowingly, calls for
the Earth to ascend from the reality we know as the 3rd Dimension, to the 4th
Dimension (an intermediate or temporary existence) and then to the 5th
Dimension..... In essence, we are all physical Angels
with a giant amnesia problem. Through ascension, we realise we are all
connected; we are all One with all other life in the universe. Everything came
from one Creator. Race differences, war, owning property, land rights, in fact
all aspects of our current world, are really illusory. We live in a giant

One of the greatest restrictions to our progress is the repressive control of
world “official” governments by a secretive Shadow Government, which also limits
the type of daily news or “truth” we receive through the world’s mass media.
This is why many people are not aware of the current and coming great changes to
civilisation. It is the reason we have fear-based news most of the time on
television and in newspapers.

This negative control has also been an aspect of many religions and
philosophical groups for a long time. The good news is that this manipulation
and control of worldwide societies is quickly coming to an end. A dictatorial
New World Order/One World Government, masquerading as a democratic globalisation
program, will not be allowed by higher realms intervening on our behalf. We
agreed to this intervention before incarnating here, despite some people
believing it contravenes ‘free choice”, which it does not under the Creator’s
divine plan. Those who don’t believe in a Creator or this plan are in for a big

Disclosures on how we have been manipulated are soon to be announced, and will
commence some wonderful changes.

The little known aspect of the Shadow Government is that it, in turn, has been
controlled by negative extraterrestrial beings who have given them much advanced
technology for their control on Earth. However, we should not hate these aspects
of our society. We have probably all exhibited negative traits in past lives
just for the experience! It is best to send them love and have nothing to do
with their controlling schemes whenever we have the choice. In the near future,
all darkness on Earth will be transmuted to Light, and in doing so, will create
a stronger Light. Many of the Shadow Government former ET dark allies, are now
part of the forces of Light in this galaxy. Many former Shadow Government people
have also now aligned with the Light The remaining ones can either do the same,
or continue incarnating on another 3rd Dimension planet until they are ready to
ascend to higher dimensions. It is their choice....

Billions of souls (aspects of God) were sent to Earth to see if they could rind
their way back to the vibration of God or the purest Light without memory of
where they had been. This has never been done in this way anywhere before. Thus
the uniqueness of our current situation or “experiment”. Earth is the fulcrum
for change and peace in this galaxy and universe. Evolution elsewhere cannot
proceed successfully until we ascend to the 5th Dimension. Many civilisations
are watching us with intense interest. Higher dimensions can see through to
lower dimensions, but we cannot see higher dimensions from here. In recent
years, mankind has had virtually unlimited access to the highest beings of Light
who provide guidance through channeled contacts and sometimes even manifesting
in etheric or physical form...Divine intervention is allowed to occur in a planet’s affairs when spiritual
progress is hindered. In fact it is part of our incarnation contract which calls
for it at our stage of evolution, before we connect permanently again with other
galactic civilisations. The intervention is carried out at a physical level by our space brothers and
sisters..." End of Quote

Quoted from Elizabeth Ayres Escher..."All over the planet, people are coming together and declaring their independence from the decaying and corrupt systems of control that have dominated your world’s geopolitics and international relationships for some time. People are stepping forward outside the box of socio-indoctrination, outside of religion, outside of public education, outside of science, outside of mass media, and into themselves. People are waking up from the fearful dream that has been brought to you via your media sources in order to keep them in submission and unable to fend for themselves or to work together for a better world.

It is time to let the dark secrets that every individual, community and nation carry within their collective unconscious, within the vast astral body of this planet, it is time for these secrets to be brought into the light and allowed to dry and scatter in the wind of change. For change is upon you whether or not you are prepared for it or willing to release your fears so that you may go forth and claim a new way of life.

We are here among you. We walk with you throughout your day. We exist within your heart, within your connection to the unspoken voice of your soul and I AM Presence.....Each of you, both those conscious and those who remain in denial of the vast changes sweeping the planet, are now embarked upon a sacred dance up the spiral of evolution. Your species is about to be completely transformed into something unexpected and quite beautiful; words are not capable of describing what is to come to past. And each of you is a part of the change and challenge that exists within this period of transition and transformation. For those of you who have consciously chosen to step forth, you are more aware, yet all who live on the planet are aware in their feeling bodies that time is being squeezed into shorter increments and the tempo of change is increasing....As the frequency levels of the planet increase, due to the barrage of cosmic rays, coronal mass ejections and plasma filaments from your own star, there are those who are choosing to depart from human form...

For each, there is a choice now: to leave, to flow with the tides of change, surfing on the edge of the wave or to be the wave, to be the pioneer, the wayshower, the gatekeeper for those who follow. Each of you has their own traveling papers as it were, internal codes to be followed as they open up within. Do not be surprised if those who appear to be asleep around you suddenly wake up, even as those codes come online. It is so for the plant as it patiently lies in the ground in the form of a seed, waiting for the warmth of the sun to activate the codes that will start new growth. Then, as the plant grows, it continues to change its shape, transforming until culminating in a flower or fruit, only to change into a seed, again.

Cycles and spirals of cycles are upon you all, in an ever increasing tempo. Yet, you can discover calm and serenity within even as you dance to the sound of your own drumming heart, even as you step forth first hesitantly and then with greater confidence, the ancient sacred dance of evolution. The dance will take you both out of your limited sense of self and into your unlimited multidimensionality. It is time to declare your independence from limitation, from social conditioning, from having to listen and obey the voices of others. It is time to regain sovereignty over your own being, over your body, and over the future of your world...

Step forth, lightly, upon the spiral dance, beneath sun and moon, following the trail laid out by your ancestors and the elementals, by the ascended masters and star warriors. You are in the process of embarking on a whole new way of existence, one that is free from worry and fear, one that is free and independent from control, one that is both ancient and timeless. We stand with you, guiding and lending you our support when it is called forth, but each of you must take the first step on the way to becoming more of your Self.

See the spiral steps before you and do not hesitate to listen within as the heavenly songs of angels call to you, engaging your attention and intent to embark or continue on the journey home. We will be there to welcome you home, dear ones, our brave brothers and sisters who willingly forgot who they were for one moment in eternity, in order to bring a world back into the light. Our blessings go forth to all.." End of quote

The Human Angels are taking the Lead along with the indigo's as Living In and through the New Paradigm as the New Earth=Heart is Now Manifesting Into Physicallity as Decreed. Those who think nothing is happening, is because you are not participating in your Part of the Divine Plan! For those who Are, You are in for a Ride of Your Life as Love's Truth overcomes all On Planet Earth=Heart. The Greatest Love Of All is Happening and Only the Highest Outcome for Humanity Will Unfold. Those in the denser energies have now been rendered extinct.

Decreed by Heaven~ Anticipate Signs of More Victories appearing for the Light. The Moments have Come! Everyone who was able to be Activated are Now Fully Activated with this Next Facet of the Divine Plan. Love is Here and will not be denied on this Planet Which is Made of Love and Immersed In Love. The Game is Over. Loves turn Now! This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.

Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!

 ~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~

   Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!

   ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~

 We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:

Thank You For Keeping us Going With This Divine Mission for Planet Earth=Heart!!!!

Because of All of You, We are Able to Be A Constant Service on Behalf Of the Planet and Humanity! Thank You for Your Constant Love and Support for Humanity's Liberation Into The Real Reality and The Real Truth! We are Deeply Honored to Be of Service 24 Hours a Day in Love for All of You and Humanity. Thank You for Honoring our service and Keeping us Here with All of You!

Total July Donations 197.77$

Total Goal 3000$

Thank You for sharing

Join us Live Every Monday and Wednesday for Whats Happening On Planet Earth, Join us On the Grid at 10:30am Pacific and for the Internet Love Party Every Saturday Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific . Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:

This Room Remains Open for Support

 If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:


~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~



 Artwork Thanks to


 (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.

  ~WE are Going Home~

 ~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~

The Liberty Bell is Ringing

