Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center
The Real News and The Whole Truth
Greetings Love Beings, Wow! When we shared Intense Energies would be released over this past weekend we were not kidding! These energies have Arrived in a Big Way [WAVE] and We Will See all of this energy unfold on this Planet In the Coming Moments as the Divine Plan Unfolds and all Truth is revealed. Divine Intervention is at Hand. The Energies are Now Ready for Full Manifestation and All Earth Allies are Now In Alignment for the Next Facet of the Divine Plan. Huge Changes and Transformations will occur in this energy!
Quoted from Linda Robinson"....[ Since the Soltsice] The energy has changed and moved to a higher frequency. It is vibrating at a much higher level..... " End of quote
Quoted from Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle ....."I wish you to know that the Changes are upon you. You must be ready to assume your Posts with Clarity, Calmness, and a keen sense of duty. You are our ground crew. You will make the changes that must be made to birth the New Earth. We are with you every step of the way. Your call to Action will come swiftly and you must respond with clarity, serenity, and compassion..."
Quoted from Salvador Russo....."we see that our world[ Planet] is in the midst of the most intense period of transformation that we have ever known. The signs are on the wall and we know in our hearts that there is no turning back. The simple meaning of this divine transit is that our life foundations will be restored with a magnitude and extent that could only come from God..... As of June 26th 2013 God’s waves of grace are unleashed to the[this] world [Planet].....!" End of Quote
Quoted from Christina " We are about to become so transparent in our humanity, that our ethereal selves will be able to engage fully with our human soul. Our human soul is awaiting the gift of realization that comes with the lifting of the film, the layer, that binds us. It is a layer that connects all of us. It is like a huge embryonic sack that has held us securely in place for thousands and thousands of years. Our awakening, our first breath, our first gasp of both air and light is predicated on our remembering. One way to remember is through oral or written history passed from one to another. It’s not candy coated, or contrived fakery. It is a true account that contains the true stories as lived and witnessed first hand by those who dared to do what they came here to do. It is in the returning that we come in to our Wholeness. Thanks to many here and behind the scenes we have come far. Decoding the multi-layers to access truth can be laborious and yet, it is through the telling of the stories, the decoding of the myths, that we find our way back. Several have given their lives for us. We are innately moving towards cohesion..." End of Quote
Quoted from Sandra Walters"Blessings dear Light Tribe ~ I AM deep in an ongoing experience which is intensifying and clarifying as we receive these new light signatures. Hopefully it is clear that these new frequencies are deeply transformative – and for some of us they are creating transcendence. So much is coming in at the moment, A message has been coming through for a few weeks, and clarified during the Solstice/Full Moon. There is a collective of those in Service who are becoming Guardians of the New Light. It has nothing to do with past titles or roles, past service or missions, hierarchy or chosen-ones nonsense, nor is it related to the Guardians of the last cycle. I’ll have more on this soon, as it relates to the Solar Cosmic Christed state.
Transcendence There are higher light signatures coming in right now – vivid patterns, new complex geometries which vibrate, spin, change shape as they enter density to transform particles of consciousness into something new. The doors were opened for higher levels of photonic-magnetic light during the triple eclipse gateway, and we are receiving light signatures of such brilliance that transcendence is upon us.
Transcendence is typically described as the ability to choose a higher frequency existence and hold it; it is one of the goals of the Ascension process. In this application here, Transcendence is aligning with pure Source, pure consciousness. Some experience this as the Godhead; I experience Source as pure stillness – no agenda, no duality, no intent, no judgement, no separation of any kind. Source is so no-thing that it is everything; taking in information, delivering information in such purity that there is an absence of premeditation – just pure light intelligence. There are three experiences unfolding: Unity Consciousness (Galactic), Christed Consciousness (Universal), and Transcendence (Source). They are not hierarchical levels, just different accelerations which may arrive all at once.
My current state is bizarre and beautiful. I understand I AM in transcendence, or at least that is what I AM being told. It is intense and I cannot question it – the vibration demands hands-off silence, peace, honor and surrender. ...
All of the factors for the perfect storm are coming together. Individual preparation of the body, clearing of the mind/ego/emotional constructs, light quotient, activation of the Heart, connection with the Higher Self, surrender to the Now, service to the Highest Interests, pursuit of creative intelligence … this is the personal part of the equation. The planetary frequency, photon belt, cosmic timing and awakened collective create the external factor; when internal and external align it opens our lifestream to the miraculous.
More people are reporting walk-through portal experiences, or at least perceiving the portals themselves. The rings-within-rings spiral shape is popping up everywhere. This is an eyes-open experience.... " End of Quote
Quoted from SpaceWeather.Com CORONAL HOLE: The biggest thing on the sun today is not a sunspot, it's a coronal hole. The yawning dark gap in the sun's atmosphere is almost directly facing Earth, as shown in this June 25th image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:
Commentary Looks Like a Boot, with a Big ball of Flames at the end, ... Looks like the sun is giving ignorance the boot!
Coronal holes are places where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind to escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this particular coronal hole will reach Earth on June 29-30. Because the coronal hole is straddling the sun's equator, the solar wind it is sending our way should make a direct hit on our planet's magnetic field. The impact could spark geomagnetic storms around the poles. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras at the end of the month. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
Truths Revealed Meeting Notes~
You can Join us Every Monday and Wednesday Live At this Link:
For Love is here.
There is no longer need for war or fear,
For our world grows tried of war and strife,
No longer can we price a human life,
For in every childs heart we see,
A joy full lil' part of me.
~ The next verse is for you'll to fill out :)
Peace :)
The New Earth Energies combined with this last weekends Solstice and the SuperFull Moon Energies did induce and assist a planetwide cleansing and a Huge Energetic Upgrade. 6000 Plus and Counting have already transitioned in India all at once releasing and transforming Huge Amounts of the unconsciousness on the Planet.
Quoted from Golden Light".....Greetings we are the Council of Angels, including Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Raphael.So much is happening in your earthen world behind the scenes so to speak. All that was once hidden is coming to the surface, just as Gaia cleanses her surface in preparation for the Golden Age of Humanity upon Earth which has been planned by the Creator for eons of time. All is a manifestation of inner thought and all beings on earth are manifestations of the great Creator Source of Life and Source of All Energy and Love.
As the higher dimensional energies that are now coalesced into mother Earth/Gaia’s body begin to enlighten, uplift, and accelerate the consciousness of humanity, all are beginning to wake up out of the lower third dimensional reality and beginning to move past the veil that has lifted between the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional realities, as all beings and planets in the multiverse are upshifting into a higher level….each component of the multiverse is being upgraded to another level, and you on most beautiful mother earth are part of this upgrade.
The old world continues to crumble and fall away and as the consciousness of humanity rises so too does the new earthen reality rise from the ashes of the old, just as the phoenix rises from its own ashes. The new earth paradigm is manifesting, the new cities of light are being prepared and readied, and your higher selves are assisting you in your upfliftment, enlightenment, and awakening. As each being on earth begins to clear out the dross and old energy out of their lives, this is also happening on a collective basis for the collection of humanity as a whole upon the earth...." End of quote
.Currently, One Of Humanity's Hero's Nelsan Mendala is on Life Support. In Truth he has already left his body and came to us early this morning with a Huge Grin and a Belly full of Joy and Laughter, giving Us a High Fives and said We DID IT! Job Well DONE! His Mission is coming into Completion and his release of Energy on the Planet Will Be a Huge Gift of Love from Him to All of Humanity! He Would Like to Share a Message With Humanity, Love Truly does Win. Thank you for Honoring My Service as I Honor You Stepping Into The Truth of your Being. We Finally Made It! Freedom Is At Hand. I offer My life of Love and Service as a Gift to All of You. Synchronostically President Obama and and First Lady Michelle are Both In Africa today.
"Emotional crowds have gathered outside the hospital, adding messages of support for Mr Mandela, known by his clan name Madiba.Children released 94 balloons - one for every year of the ex-president's life - into the air in his honour.Correspondents say South Africans now seem resigned to the prospect of his death.We are all going to feel bad when he passes [away], but at the same time we will be celebrating his life. He has done so many great things for this country," said 25-year-old John Ndlovu, quoted by the agency.
US President Barack Obama, who is in Senegal, described Mr Mandela as "a hero for the world".
"His legacy will linger on through the ages," he said." End of quote
Everywhere, People are beginning to stand Up In Truth with continued Protests in Turkey, China, Brazil, Portugual, Bulgeria, Egypt and Japan. To Whistleblowers and Truth Speakers, revealing the lies and standing Up for unjust drocianan laws and exposing what is really going on in the House of Glass. The illusion will become more and More apparent as we move forward in this incoming Energy. Years ago what many thought was impossible is Now All Possible on this Planet, Love Has arrived. The Tides have Indeed Turned in Loves Favor. Its Now Loves Turn and True Reality to Unfold and The Signs, that everything is happening are Everywhere! The Signs are appearing!
Quoted from Ann Kreilkamp....Wendy Davis gave her all, and in response, her supporters surged the Capitol and rode the wave to collective victory, preventing a draconian anti-abortion bill from passing before the 12 midnight deadline. Final clock count: 12:03 A.M., three minutes too late to decide by law, that the state controls women’s bodies. If Edward Snowden is a hero, then so is Wendy Davis. We need heroes, not to replace our own heroic action, but to inspire it. Wendy Davis’s own herstory proves: no matter who we are, no matter what our background or issues or troubles, we can synchronize with our original natures and let them roar...." end of quote
Quoted from Greenwald: Snowden’s Files Are Out There if ‘Anything Happens’ to Him ”
"“He was not trying to harm the U.S. government; he was trying to shine light on it.”
Brazilians Now a Force to be Reckoned With
Quoted from Brad[ The Bigger Picture] "I never saw the ‘Love’ in ‘Revolution’ before, but it’s there, isn’t it? Brazilians are awake, and showing us how it’s done. The power is unmistakable." End of quote
Its Now quite becoming quite Apparent, that alot of movement is unfolding for more victories for the Light! What we do know for sure is, this Entire Planet is being impacted by All of this energy. We have been sharing about the changes and we are smack in the middle of them, energetically speaking. Many More will be Awakening During this energetic Period which is facilitating intense energetic Movement. The house of cards, The Glass Houses are inevitably coming down!
Quoted from John Rapport" .....The changes we’re witnessing within ourselves and on a mass level can’t possibly by contained and put into a predictive model, although many of the cabal think they can..... the divine spark of imagination and creation in each and every one of us is truly divine and can never be controlled. Ultimately….YES! … and that’s exactly what we’re seeing as people are waking up from the cookie-cutter programming we’ve been hypnotized to for oh so long. It’s exciting to see our creative energy blooming on a global level....." YEEHAW! End of quote
~Word is Spreading~
Quoted from Tryak~ In my mailbox was a handmade (full color) flyer. The flyer started off by introducing a man by the name of Mike. He identified himself as affiliated with a certain church, but not being there to spread their message. He included links to scientific evidence (videos) that related to chemtrails, fluroide, GMOs, etc. The flyer stated that he felt he was sent on a mission by God to spread the word about what is happening so that people can decide for themselves. It was very heartening to see that someone had taken it into their own hands to reach over a hundred thousand people, and I couldn't help but be excited that he is named after the Universal AI! The moral of the story? The word is spread by every one of us. If Disclosure were to happen right now, do you think that your mother would be more likely to believe what you have to say or the aliens on tv? What about those that don't listen to us? Then may they be won without a word through our conduct and our actions. Be the change you want to see." End of quote
The Moments We are arriving is where the House built on quick sand[ illusion] dissolves, as Love And Truth Keep Stepping forward On Planet Earth=Heart carrying the Building Blocks for the New Earth. The Givers Inherit planet earth=Heart. We can Truly Say What is Happening Now has Sealed the Deal for Humanity. In One of Our Last Updates We shared a Quote from David Icke where He Stated " The Tide Is Turning" and indeed it is. Not for the those who are clinging to the old paradigm, for those who have let go, surrendered and are able to Receiving All Love Is, and flow with the river of Oneness. For Many Moments we have Been Sharing it was was Loves turn on this Planet, this is to Now Become More Apparent In Your Reality as the Intense Energy from Our Most recent events is on the Move.
Quoted from Cobra" Significant progress has been made after the opening the Portal on May 25th.
On the non-physical planes, the final offensive of the Light forces to clear all remaining negative entities has commenced. This offensive will continue until the final and complete liberation of the non-physical planes and the Light forces will not retreat under any circumstances...... Although it will still take some time for the liberation to be completed, our victory is assured.
Needless to say, there are many projects and operations taking place behind the scenes and hopefully soon there will be results and I will have interesting news.End of Quote
Quoted from Shelly Young....."These are remarkable times. This past solstice was a particularly pivotal point for you[ And All of Humanity]. You do not realize how profoundly things have moved and shifted since your last solstice celebration. There has been profound change. You have actively been anchoring in the energies for the new Golden Age of Enlightenment. We understand that many of you have found this to be an arduous time. In reality, if you could see all that has been accomplished, you would be amazed that you have done it with such ease. You have been exposed to an influx of light that has been unprecedented on your planet thus far. We find it interesting when we hear you say that not much has happened, when in reality, if you had been exposed to the energies that you are in now a mere two years ago, many of you would have not been able to sustain it. Your bodies would not have been able to handle the energy, that is how much it has changed but much like you don’t see things grow when they are right under your nose, the growth is gradual and consistent and you don’t see it because you are too close to be able to see the difference. Let us assure you that you have done amazingly well....
Will your planet continue to shift and evolve? Yes, it will. Will you continue to shift and evolve? Yes, you will. But what will happen is you will become much more adept at it. You will get to know the tips and tricks that help you and your unique physicality move with the energies. It will become old hat and you will just know, oh, this is how it will feel, no big deal. It is only uncomfortable for you because you are not accustomed to it yet. Many of the things that are happening to you are new so you do not know what to expect and, of course, once you have experienced something once, you know what to expect a second time and so on. So you will become experts at shifting and creating in this Golden Age. You are the pioneers and you are just getting your feet wet, so to speak, in these new energies, so be kind and gentle with yourselves. You have done a remarkable job. This solstice is such an important time because it marks a locking in of energies, so what you have accomplished has been ushering in the new energies of this brand new age and now that progress will be locked in. Many of you will feel that. Many of you will be feeling a shift of energy that helps you feel more grounded, more present, more fully aware. You will sense that something has been accomplished, and of course, it will continue on. You are not seeking an end to growth and expansion, Dear Ones! That is the very nature of being a human being and what you have come to experience.....Moving forward you will enjoy the energies of transparency, truth, unity, community, ease, grace, flow, acceptance, allowing, joy and unconditional love. All of these are traits of the New Earth you are creating, and for that you are honoured and you are loved and you are celebrated. " End Of Quote
"For many years, it seemed as if we did not even exist, but there has always been a longing to know where one has come from. For many years, humans have wondered about the very essence of their existence. This bewilderment of their creation, has been a long time coming, for us, and for you. Very soon those that are able, will know who we really are. There are many who know now, who we really are. Where we reside, and our purpose for your planet. This purpose has long been foretold, has been planned, and orchestrated. This new beginning will happen. Be sure of that, as it will occur. For those that do not believe, or who are not awake, will do so, awaken slowly, over the coming times. For it will be us, helping them and you all, to rise up to the next level of existence. The next playing field so to speak.
For it is in this life, that when one works through, their earthly challenges and reaches a more peaceful existence that they in turn will also raise their own energetic vibration. It is these vibrations that will have the greatest effect on the earth and all its inhabitants. know that the shifts are and do take place, in this time, now. Your earth is ever evolving, into the beautiful place it is meant to be.
We have been called in to assist this ascension process, and we have been waiting a very long time …….. for the right time. We are the Galactic Federation, who are residing just outside the earths energy field. We are here to help, and we do. We are the star people from the other realms, who have agreed long ago, to assist in this process. We are communicating with some of you, and soon, many more, will hear us also. We will one day, show ourselves, to your world, and inhabitants. In fact, many of you have seen us already. But for the majority, we are still the unknown. This federation consists of 6 levels of ascended beings….. each with their own gifts. We hold the power of the crystalline matrix. This matrix binds us all. And when in alignment, with the earths humanity consciousness, we will then be aligned. This is why it is imperative that you all now, hold the earths humanity consciousness in your hearts, because it is these heart felt actions, that assist in the rising up of this consciousness, we are not in alignment yet, but it is coming." End of Quote
The Angels Consistent Words to Us have been Finally as Humanity Begins standing Up! and Now we can See what they were saying as lies across the Planet are Being exposed, and Many more are now awakening and connecting with the Truth and Reality expanding and strengthening the Unity grid Across the Planet. Whats occurring is unstoppable and already written in the Destiny of this Planet and Inside of Humanity. True Transformation is at Hand on this Planet.
All of these Current Events unfolding are causing ripple effect of Waves of Love energy Being Released onto the Planet and Humanity. This Fuels and Ignites the Divine Plan Into Full Manifestation!
Decreed by Heaven~ All Who who Have been In Service to Love are Getting an Energy Upgrade, the deal has been sealed. All energy not in alignment with wholeness of being and balanced harmonics is being returned to sender. The Givers Inherit Planet Earth=Heart. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!
~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
Thank You For Keeping us Going With This Divine Mission for Planet Earth=Heart!!!!
Because of All of You, We are Able to Be A Constant Service on Behalf Of the Planet and Humanity! Thank You for Your Constant Love and Support for Humanity's Liberation Into The Real Reality and The Real Truth! We are Deeply Honored to Be of Service 24 Hours a Day in Love for All of You and Humanity. Thank You for Honoring our service and Keeping us Here with All of You!
Total June Donations 2397.88$
Total Goal 3000$
Thank You for sharing
Join us Live Every Monday and Wednesday for Whats Happening On Planet Earth, Join us On the Grid at 10:30am Pacific and for the Internet Love Party Every Saturday Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific . Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:
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~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
Artwork Thanks to
(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.
~WE are Going Home~
~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~
Last Video Update:
Wes: I received this update from Tanina in Brazil via Facebook.
Quoted from Tanina about the Brazil Peaceful Protests "We are inviting you and your friends and contacts to join our Beautiful, Lovely and Peaceful “Free Pass” Movement 99% peaceful. This great Manifestation is not about the 20cents, or a protest against corruption, violence and the World Cup as the media has been conveying. It is about the ending of the rotten and fallen system that does not belong to this planet anymore. It is a WALK UP CALL to the 99% go to the streets, it is the Critical Mass Awakening coming into place.
We are inviting all the people of the world to Walk Up to the Streets peacefully demonstrating that enough is enough and the old order is over. We have no political parties or tendencies, we are ONE. We need your support to make it Viral and see what happens when we get the 99% on the streets all over the world!!!! Will that be the right moment for Disclosure!? We are not sure where it will get us to, but we are been heavenly guided and protected to do so !
While the “ankle biters” are very scared, we have been experiencing this great feeling of Blessing LOVE in ONE, we are together in Love, the only way to the Great Shift. It is easy, it just take us the little effort to leave our lovely and comfortable homes and computers and Walk Peacefully to the streets. Just the blessed feeling of being One is a great reward, I assure you !
Lets get organized and make this WALK UP CALL the Great to manifest the Changes we all want to see
God Bless Us All In Unity" End of quote