The Galactic Free Press Update: A Series of Events are Prepared to Be Made Manifest

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Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center

The Real News and The Whole Truth



Kp Message… “There is a Lot Happening… Now”

Quoted from Cobra, Prepare for Change!!!!


[Photo By MotherGod~, Red DragonFly came to Give Us a Message that Grand Events are Unfolding, and the Fairy and Elemental Kingdoms were Cheering!!! PS~ He Posed for the Picture and would not leave until it was taken, LOL]

Greetings Love Beings, We are Now Really heating Up in our Summer of Love Energies and true disclosure [TRUTHS] is Happening from all directions as this energy continues to Move. The Anticipation of alot of energy is currently building. With Many Events Up ahead of us that we and many have been sharing about. These events are Energy events and only can be felt by those who are embracing these current incoming energies. We will be exiting Mercury retrograde and Beginning our First Series of Unique Astrological Events coupled with the energies from the 6th Anniversary of the First Fire the Grid Event.

The Anniversary Energies of the First Fire the Grid Event, where the Energies Of Heaven=JOY entered Into the Collective Consciousness on this Planet. On this Day, We Also Literally Fired the Magnetic Grid for Humanity's Awakening.This occurred 5 Years ago, and now is ripe for manifestation. For the Past 5 Years we have been Fully Participating In the Divine Plan Behind the Scenes on this Planet. The Moments we are In is for All which was accomplished to Now Manifest into Physical Reality, these are also the Divine Decree's In Manifestation.

When we Collectively Fired the Grid, July 17th 2007, We Sent a Collective Amount of Love Energy to arrive back to US for these Moments we have Arrived in. This will be Coupled with all of Our Astrological Events~ More Intense Love Energy is Incoming! These Energies will be Extremely Powerful and this is why so much clearing and cleansing is underway.  What will unfold is a huge breakdown of the old and a HUGE Breakthrough for the Light, this is why the Victory of the Light Is Secured on the Planet. This will be putting increased pressure on the denser energies!!! Whatever, Happens will occur According to the Divine Plan, and the Divine Plan does not operate in linear timing, but is all unfolding through a series of unfolding Synchronistic Events. Its All Happening for those who Have let go and are in the River Of Oneness, which is the HigherGrid Fully Activated on the Planet.

Quoted from David Wilcock" You may still be clinging to the riverbank, struggling like mad not to let go. You may still not be prepared to plunge into the wild, terrifying and invigorating “white water” ride of Disclosure. Nonetheless, just as we have been expecting, disclosure is happening now. If you ever wondered about what disclosure would actually look like once it started happening, this is it.  As we are now seeing, it cannot be constrained into one single, all-defining moment where “everything happens”. We do not all wake up with a single, streamlined, easy-to-understand story that everyone believes… where all of a sudden the world has changed forever. This is a massive, systematic, and total shift in what the average person knows, thinks and believes to be true — on the most basic level. It is an exciting opportunity to completely “start over” with the basic nature of civilization as we know it — and build a much happier and healthier world....." End of quote

Quoted from Reiki Doc" .....I further contend that Disclosure is going to be more of an unmasking of the Ground Crew at first than of starships landings in masses all over the globe....." End of quote

Latest Crop Circle 7~13~13~

Source: - 7/14/13

Hoden, nr Evesham, Worcestershire. United Kingdom. Reported 13th July.

Flower f Life, 9 petals completion, Activations, Global awareness


Quoted from Salusa""....The moments you have been waiting for are here for each and every one of you who choose to follow own inner guidance and let the old ways behind. Please surrender deeply into your own inner self and find out more. These are the times when energy of your body is rising and the frequency is much higher than any previous moment in your Earth history. Feel the attraction of Love you are surrounded with and hear the guiding voice inside and do not let mind confuse you about your true reality. Everyone has his/her own way to follow regarding Ascension process and once another step is walked you will simply join together and create that promised land with our help. Please know that all will be settled once you have clearly decided to leave the old and follow the new, which is calling you with ever increasing intensity. 

You see us flying in your skies and we feel your thoughts are most of the times loving and all of you are asking when the Disclosure is going to happen. We are telling you that it is already happening, maybe not exactly the way you have thought it will be but please let also room for those who are just awakening and remember how you first time found out that we exist. All is in accordance with our plans and please keep in mind that they are constantly changing and if now the Disclosure is moving slowly, tomorrow it could be that your leaders will disclose all the fact that have been hidden for many years. Do not let yourselves be hold within this fear or doubts because they are slowing you on your way. Release them the most comfortable way you are used to and fully concentrate on the beautiful future which is already there, awaiting your coming...." end of quote

None of these sunspots poses a threat for strong solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI

As we spiral towards the end of July a Series of Events are Prepared to Be Made manifest! Not only do we have the Planetary New Year, day out of time, and The Lions Gate Opening but we also have a very rare Sextile which Matches the Merkabah, and the Star Of David. They are calling this the Summer of Love, Love Made Manifest into Physicality.

Quoted from Carol Ann Ciocco...."The Summer of Love begins with a celestial formation known as a Grand Water Trine which occurs on July 17, 2013. This harmonious triangle of Water-sign planets (Jupiter and Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces) is a building block for a more rare configuration, known as a Star of David, which will form on July 29, 2013 .... The Summer of Love celestial gift starts off as a grand and beautiful, flowing body of water and then begins a multidimensional journey into higher levels of consciousness, forming a Stargate:


The Grand Trine morphs into a Star of David, when an earthen mountain merges with it to perfectly balance it.


The Star of David unifies and crystallizes, as we connect the dots between the 6 energies, forming a Grand Sextile, shifting into an 8-sided octagon.


The Grand Sextile morphs into a 3-dimensional figure - the Star Tetrahedron, sacred building block of all life on earth. This shape pops into place, vibrating with Light, and surrounds the planet.


Finally, the Star Tetrahedron morphs into the Merkaba, ......


I believe that if we on a mass level could work CONSCIOUSLY with this particular celestial configuration (whenever it occurs, not just this summer) we have the potential to make a quantum leap forward in the ongoing activation of our Light Bodies - which are needed as we move more deeply into multidimensional consciousness in the Aquarian Age....." End of Quote



Quoted fro Bill Ballard ...."Many of us are going into Self at this time as we come to the Planetary Merkabah Alignment July 29 and as we enter the Lion's Gate. What a Magical Time to be alive.....There is a number of us working as direct embodiments of the highest SELF we can attune to while in physical form......Wishing you all the best frequencies and the HIGHEST Light you ever dream of for your personal ascension and integration as this planetary Merkabah forms these next days... I certainly feel it spinning already as it powers up!" End Of Quote

Quoted from Sandra Walters" A profound and challenging phase of the Ascension process is upon us. It will rewrite all that you are, if you have prepared and honor this magnificent passage. Blessings to everyone experiencing the 13th stargate. Welcome to 5D ~" End of Quote

Quoted from Earth Ally Lemme  ......" My Thoughts about the Day out of time July 26th,  : which may turn out to be the day that we expected[ Anticipated].  Love wins and we celebrate by rolling up our sleeves and bringing conscious 5D to life, in love..." End of quote

Many are Now Beginning to Experience the physical aspects as these Energies Pour Into the Planet, to prepare for a Huge Intake of Light Energy which will go directly to the core. In order to accomplish this a Huge Collective Cleansing will have to Take Place which has been ignited via Golden Light energy from All the Planets Including the Galactic Center and Directly Connected to the Core Center of the Earth, to prepare for the Next facet of the Divine Plan and Divine Intervention on Behalf of Mother Earth=Heart, which is Why we are Here. Many Of You Are Assisting IN this Clearing on one level or another across the Planet right now as well as preparing for Your Next Missions which are unfolding along side this. This Collective cleansing may feel heavy at times, or disorienting.What is unfolding is We have to clear the core Now and this is exactly what we all the frontrunners are now accomplishing for the Planet. The effects for those still in the denser energies will be filtered to them through the open vortex's. As All of this comes Up,  Call in your Angels and Ask them to Assist You In Clearing this as Quickly as Possible and Surrender. This is the easiest and quickest way through. 

Quoted from  Marlene Swetlishoff "As the waves of Light continue to wash over the planet, all hidden corners of the world which flourished in secrecy and negativity are now being exposed to the light of truth. Each one that is exposed helps to lift the veils of illusion from the consciousness of humanity. The Earth continues her relentless cleansing and purging, readying herself for ascension. The pace of this cleansing will now step up in intensity. Those who remain asleep and unaware that change is occurring all around them will be nudged further to awaken from their sleep. All illusions are being cut away by the revelations that are coming forth and humankind stands on the brink of a crossroads.

People power is very much in evidence around the world and will become an even greater force than before. Each soul will make choice; to continue upon the path that is dissolving before their very eyes or to embrace another, more loving way. They will stand in unison with the courageous people who lift up their voices and proclaim a better way. The quiet revolution for sweeping changes grows in its power and reach. The hearts of humanity open further in a silent reaching to connect with their divine essence. Love will find a way. Communities will come together in solidarity and unity.....Waves of gratitude within the hearts of all will pour into the heart of Mother Earth as all realize the extent of her love for her inhabitants. It is becoming clearer that humanity is in symbiotic relationship with her and that she is trying to renew and change in a way that is the least damaging to her inhabitants but as in the process of birthing, there will continue to be pressure in various parts of her being that will need to be relieved. People are looking at the signs of changes around them and realizing that this is the way that Mother Earth speaks to their hearts to inform them that change is imminent......

We watch with wonder the amazing tenacity of the human soul as it struggles to overcome the conditioning of generations of beliefs that has been stored in their very cells which no longer serves the path of Light that they are on. The effects of the battle within each heart of opposing forces will begin to subside and a lightness of being will prevail. Do not falter on the path that you have chosen for it is the right one for you and those whom you love. You are never alone, for the legions of angels stand at your side in support and camaraderie. They try to lighten your load by using humor so that you can move forward over any seeming obstacles upon your individual path.

You are deeply loved and acknowledged for your pioneering and resolute spirit. You are honored for your tenacity and courage. The heavenly choirs are singing praises to humanity for the role they are playing in the cosmic plan that is now unfolding. Be still and open your heart to their voices as they lift the Earth and all upon her to a higher consciousness. Be still, Dear Ones, and know that you are the Divine in manifestation here on Earth. Hold this thought. " End of quote

Quoted from Michael Genova"...." As the unseen forces impact us, our worlds (inside and out) and lives are changing daily.  We are beginning to experience a shift in our realities. Subtle experiences we are having seem as if somehow we are flipping between worlds.  The veils between 3D and 5D are becoming thinner and thinner. Being grounded in Love is a must right now.  Chaos seems to be happening in our lives and the lives of those around us as well as world-wide.  It is through these experiences which sometimes pull the rug from under us that we are able to release and let go of all that no longer serves us.  So we must be open and willing to step into new realms of understanding, experiences, and learn to trust in the divine plan.New awakenings and understanding are opening up to us.  They come in ways that are subtle, in dreams, and sometimes in a flash of suddenly knowing something.  They happen were we will just have a knowingness about something. Sometimes these “Awakenings” will be counter to much or all of what you have believed in the past.  They then force you to look at and reevaluate those beliefs.

Many will want to hold on tight to their old beliefs, habits, and to what has kept them feeling safe for so long.  Many will believe that nothing is changing and that in fact the world is becoming even more dark and unbearable.

You have a choice.  You have a choice to cling to a world that has been governed by few dark corrupt self serving people for a very long time or look to and embrace the coming times that will reveal the true wonder and beauty being co-created us.  We are the caretakers of our planet.  We are the ones who are changing our world.  We have taken the next step in our own evolution and in the evolution of our planet to become a star so brilliant that souls from universes far and wide will look at in wonder.

Stepping from limited understanding and beliefs is an experience that transcends time and space. Worlds of knowing and wonder are now opening and becoming available to us all.  Thank you God and to all those unseen forces that have been with us and still with us now for helping us as we emerge from a very long dark, but worth wild, experience in 3D...." End of quote

What is also occurring is an Intense Upgrade of the Light Bodies. This may appear has headaches, or weird aches and pains as the electrical body adjusts to these incoming energies and The Whammy Of energy to yet arrive. This is why we share in almost every update how important it is to Remain centered and grounded in the Present Moment of Now. The ones in the illusion will be experiencing chaos and if you are not centered and grounded they will bring you along for the ride with them. If this occurs breathe and choose Love Again.

Quoted from John Smallman ".....The Light is your Home; It is where you belong; It is where you have your eternal existence.  What you have been experiencing, the illusion – the nightmare that has been doing its best to convince you for seemingly eons that it is the only reality – is about to end.  The Love flooding into all your hearts so enticingly and irresistibly is successfully encouraging you to release all that is not in alignment with It.  As It does so you are finding that your hearts are not just small receptacles where you hold your fears, worries, anxieties, and the sometimes relentlessly fading memories of happier times.  No, they are vast spaces, infinitely large, into which endless joy is about to flow as you release all that has been troubling you.  Intend – determinedly intend – to open your hearts fully to be embraced by and enveloped in our Father’s divine field of Love, and bring yourselves and humanity forwards to your awakening." end of quote

"Decreed by Heaven~ Many have been accomplishing Missions Successfully across this Planet for many Years now, and all of this energy work is  Now Manifesting into the Physical We are Powering Up Energetically Speaking as we prepare for another Huge Influx of Light Energy. More Cleansing will take place to open up the space for these and we are going right to the core! This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.

Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!

 ~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~

   Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!

   ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~

 We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:

Thank You For Keeping us Going With This Divine Mission for Planet Earth=Heart!!!!

Because of All of You, We are Able to Be A Constant Service on Behalf Of the Planet and Humanity! Thank You for Your Constant Love and Support for Humanity's Liberation Into The Real Reality and The Real Truth! We are Deeply Honored to Be of Service 24 Hours a Day in Love for All of You and Humanity. Thank You for Honoring our service and Keeping us Here with All of You!

Total July Donations 1137.47$

Total Goal 3000$

Thank You for sharing

Join us Live Every Monday and Wednesday for Whats Happening On Planet Earth, Join us On the Grid at 10:30am Pacific and for the Internet Love Party Every Saturday Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific . Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:

This Room Remains Open for Support

 If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:

 ~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~


 Artwork Thanks to


 (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.

  ~WE are Going Home~

Video Update:

Conversations from The Higher Grid

metatron: we refected light energy
[7:34 PM] theflashron: WE ARE LIGHT ENERGY
[7:34 PM] metatron: bounce light back and to source

[7:35 PM] MotherGod: The reflection of Love beams back Love
[7:35 PM] MotherGod: Yes
[7:35 PM] MotherGod: the original blueprint for this Planet
[7:35 PM] metatron: i know its fun
[7:35 PM] theflashron: ISN'T IT BEAUTIFUL
[7:35 PM] MotherGod: was for Humanity to come here and experience the Mirror
[7:35 PM] MotherGod: of Love Mirroring Love
[7:35 PM] MotherGod: this has Been completed
[7:36 PM] MotherGod: and activated
[7:36 PM] theflashron: WOW
[7:36 PM] MotherGod: this is a part of what is occurring with all these alignments

[7:36 PM] metatron: shine mother shine
[7:36 PM] MotherGod: its been a long Moment behind the scenes to lay this foundational energy here, Amazing
[7:36 PM] MotherGod: and Now its The Moment
[7:37 PM] MotherGod: it all Manifests into Physical Reality
[7:37 PM] metatron: shine like a the star sirrus
[7:37 PM] metatron: blue light 1000 star
[7:37 PM] MotherGod: YES

Quoted from Reiki Doc".....During the chanting, Buddha appeared to me.

He took me up to a vast overlook, and said this was the Golden Age...."





drmoe's picture

What an update. I think I need a nap. Go GFP.