Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center
The Real News and The Whole Truth
Greetings Love Beings, in our last update we shared July was full of surprises and our Upcoming Alignments are coming up for just that! The Excitement for those who understand what is unfolding is building on the Planet. What we are Now Successfully Moving into, is Planetary Unity Consciousness with the end of duality. A New Golden Age is arriving, deep change and transformation is underway.This is the destiny of Planet Earth=Heart.
Quoted from Karen Doonan.... "The physical waking world now preparing for the shattering of containment in TRUTH and the elevation of a species that has been kept in the dark for aeons. Those who sought to contain and suppress working to contain through frequency, this frequency patterning is now no longer support upon planet earth and her children will now be asked to anchor TRUTH to new levels once this frequency pattern is shattered from around the planets core. This shattering will be done in TRUTH and will begin with the alignment of the stars. For ALL ARE ONE and ALL JUST ARE.....The DAWN of the new GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND now approaches and many of you may FEEL this within your BEing. We call out to the GALACTIC part of SELF, that part that is independent of the human form, we ask for this part to remember why you incarnated into this race and why you have chosen the life path that you have chosen. The training for the new GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND now released from the cellular structure of the human vehicle will see new paradigms and new ways of living and creating on planet earth released into the consciousness of humanity. That which has confined and contained dissolved in TRUTH.... The time of walking in death is over, the time of walking in grief is over, the time of walking in hardship is over for a new human is now born upon the planetary system of EARTH in TRUTH. This new human will remember who they are in TRUTH, they will walk the planet in TRUTH and they will breathe LIFE back into ALL for ALL ARE ONE. We are the energies of the Pleiades and we reach out to ALL at this time, we stand with our brothers and our sisters in TRUTH, no matter what their race or their colour for TRUTH JUST IS. We stand with ALL as ALL NOW prepare to welcome the human race to the physical reality that is TRUTH. BE at peace dear ones for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE in TRUTH..." End of quote
Humanity will Accomplish the Incredible! This is Set In Stone.
[ Picture of the Heart Medicine Wheel built in 10 Days and completed In July 17th, 2010 for the Anniversary of the first Fire The Grid Event 7~17~07 and in Service to Humanity and To Activate All Vortex's Across the Planet, when the Moment was Right, and this Moment has Come]
Vortex's All Over the Planet will Be Lighting Up, As We head Into some rare Astrological Alignments, with the Beginning of a Planetary New Year In The Yellow Galactic Seed, The day out of time, and with an intense Lions Gate Opening. All of these Events are Occurring Sychcronistically and are all Part of This Next Facet Of the Divine Plan.The Spiral is Going Up and The New Earth=Heart Manifests Into Physicality.
Quoted from The Earth Allies" Humanity is here to Accomplish the Incredible, their Destiny is to Succeed in a Complete Planetary awakening on Planet Earth=Heart , and indeed in Many Ways the Truth of this manifestation is already making its Presence Known, as we have shown up here in Honor of Humanity Succeeding, in Loving Themselves and One another, therefore, raising themselves up together into Love Everywhere Present.~5d reality!.."
Quoted from Laura Bruno...."We’re coming up to a super rare astro alignment on July 17: the Grand Trine of Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces (all on 5 degrees of those signs if you know your chart). We’re already feeling the influence of it now and have been all July. This alignment is a beautiful blend that is helping to make the impossible possible...." End of quote
Quoted from Randy Bruner...."This Cosmic Moon, the last of the 7 Mystic Moons, contains an awesome set of planetary movements and aspects, which correlate very closely to the Dreamspell version of the Tzolkin. The outer planets move very slowly and are already in position as the inner planets move into aspects with them. Just after Galactic Synchronization, on the 4th day of the Magnetic Moon, July 29, 2013, the planets will form an almost exact Grand Sextile. The Grand Sextile also includes two Grand Trines. These are all very positive and harmonious aspects completely surrounding the planet in a Sacred Geometric configuration. This is an awesome alignment of the planets in the solar system emcompassing the Earth in the geometry of a Stargate.
Here is an image of the astrology chart for the grand sextile. I accentuated the Grand Trine & Grand Sextile aspects to highlight their geometry......Magnetic Moon 4, July 29, 2013, is the day of the Grand Sextile. It is encoded as Blue Spectral Hand, “I dissolve in order to know. Releasing healing. I seal the store of accomplishment with the spectral tone of liberation. I am guided by my own power doubled.” What an affirmation for planetary healing and upliftment. This aspect comes into play one week after the Full Moon of the Cosmic Moon, which is the last of 3 Super Moons in a row. The Super Moon is when the Full Moon falls on the day when the Moon is closest to the Earth. The Moon moves into position to create a Grand Trine with Venus and Pluto which also completes a Grand Sextile around the planet Earth. The Grand Trine with Venus, Pluto and the Moon signifies the possibility of transformation (Pluto) through the power of beauty (Venus) and love (Super Moon).
There is already a Grand Trine in place as the Moon moves in to complete the Grand Sextile. Mars conjunct Jupiter trines Saturn and Neptune. This harmonious aspect represents the possibility of our highest hopes and dreams (Neptune) being able to reclaim spirituality from religion (Jupiter) and replace materialism with abundance (Saturn). Mars is added in there to allow us to replace war with peace.
The Grand Sextile is formed from the 2 Grand Trines that we've already talked about. The Grand Sextile forms a 6 sided, crystalline form around the Earth with 2 interlocking triangles inside. This is the geometric form of a Stargate formed around the planet Earth by the other planets in the solar system. This is the opportunity for direct download of galactic cosmic energy.
The aspects of the Grand Sextile enhance the aspects of the Grand Trines that we already discussed. The conjunction of Jupiter and Mars is sextile to Venus, the power of beauty, on one side, and the Moon, the power of love, on the other side. This signals the opportunity for the power of love and beauty to overcome the power of war and religion. Then the planet Saturn, materialism, is sextile to Venus, power of beauty, on one side and Pluto, the planet of transformation, on the other side. This signals the power of beauty to transform materialism. Then we have the planet Neptune, the power of our highest hopes and dreams, sextile to Pluto, the planet of transformation, on one side and the Moon, the power of love, on the other side. This signifies the power of transformation to bring about our highest hopes and dreams through the power of love.
This image appears to me to be the template for an altar to utilize for the Day Out of Time, the New Year and for the day of the Grand Sextile. I've included the copy of the astrology chart so that you can see the positions of the planets. For the purpose of the altar I would suggest placing stones on each of the points to represent each of the planets. Through this method we will actualize the Stargate in all of our ceremonies. You can, of course, just meditate on this image if you are a solo practitioner or group of individuals not able to create an altar for yourself.
Four days before the Day Out of Time and four days after the Day Out of Time the Moon moves across the sky, forming conjunctions to the planets Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and then moving into place to take the last spot in a Grand Trine and forming the Grand Sextile. This seems to me to be a good time to hold energy and ceremonies for the transformation of humanity and the planet. I know that this is adding a lot to the Day Out of Time celebration. Stretching it out over more than a week may not be possible for many of you. But, this is the Big One we've all been waiting for. So, I think it is worth the effort to take the extra time to participate fully in the planetary ascension process......" end of quote
Quoted from Bill Ballard" Something very interesting and rare is unfolding now on planet Earth on July 29, 2013 the astrology chart shows a planetary Merkaba will be in the stars for Mother Earth and the Collective of Humanity who have been playing out this duality experiment that is now coming to an end. This event is so rare that there is no previous knowledge of the possibilities and may go back to our first arrival in this position within the Milky Way Galaxy to experience the density that is 3D. Lower density can be looked at as even a position within the realms of this our Milky Way Galaxy." End of quote
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Sunspot complex AR1785-87 is in decay, but it still has a complex magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI
What we are Accomplishing through all of our incoming energies and events is assisting Humanity into the Higher Frequencies. Some may choose not to make this transition and we must honor this. This was Inevitibale and was a part of the Divine Intervention for Planet Earth=Heart. These Are Mother Earth's Decrees and The Creator Has Granted These To Be Made Manifest which overides all other energies which are not in alignment with these Truths.
Quoted from In5d....".Now is the time to start working in overdrive on our spiritual progression. This window of opportunity is closing and it’s imperative for those who wish to make the transition to decide whether they want to be part of the new transformation of 5D Earth or remain in this three dimensional, fear-ladened reality. Each day, we have the opportunity to synchronize .....through intention, prayer and meditation, to the cosmic source of abundant energy, which is helping to assist us in this transformation.
Every Lightworker hopes and wishes that the entire planet will make this transformation, but negativity and fear cannot coexist with peace, love and happiness on 5D Earth. Imagine if we all graduated to 5D earth right now. If thoughts equal manifestations, then what would happen to the person who lives in fear? His or her thoughts would immediately manifest into that particular fear, essentially creating a living Hell.
Fortunately, we exist in a period of time where thoughts are becoming manifestations with relative ease as we make this transition. That means the window of opportunity is still open for those who wish to be part of 5D Earth......The boat for 5-D Earth will be departing soon. There are 6.6 billion people on this planet and 6.6 billion reservations made. Everyone has the opportunity be part of this process which only comes around approximately once every 26,000 years. Who’s ready to go home to 5D Earth??" End of quote
We are simply running out of words to use for all these energies coming Into the Planet Now, intense, intense, intense and their are No Seatbelts. Many are also writing and sharing about all these intense energies. We will Continue these intense waves of Energy through august for sure!!!! These intense waves of energy are increasing the levels of the powers who were's fear that the end of the reign of power over Humanity is coming to an end forever.... and their is absolutely nothing they can do about it. We have Angels Stationed with all of them, so rest assured Victory for the Light has already been secured.
AA Michael through Celia Fenn ~ Beloved Family of Light, we come to you at this inspiring and tumultuous time on Planet Earth. After the shift of the 2012 Portal, the Earth continues to shift into New Patterns and Ways of Being. The Indigo Generation is moving forward to accomplish its Mission of breaking down the old systems and making space for the New! There is a deep desire for Peace, Community and Freedom, that is manifesting now on the Earth. The work that was done in the past on the Higher Levels to create Peace and Harmony is now beginning to manifest into Physical Form as change on the Earth.
This period from the Spring Equinox in March 2013 and into the Northern Summer has been a period of Chaos and Upheaval. The Indigo Energy has emerged in countries like Turkey and Brazil, and those who govern still do not fully understand the nature of the protests and challenges. They are still thinking and reacting in the old third-dimensional way to a challenge that is coming from a different level, from Young Adults who are “wired” for the Fifth Dimension and Inter-Connection. Their aim is Community, Democracy, Sharing and Change by Non-Violent means.
As you move towards the Lion’s Gate of 2013, the incoming Galactic Energies will intensify the process of change and the influx of the New Light Codes for the New Year. It will be as though a Door of Opportunity will open and change will be rapid and far-reaching in your World.
Many have asked us, what is the Lion’s Gate and why is it named for the Lion? Well, it refers in part to the fact that the Sun enters into the sign of LEO at this time, and these energies are integrated into the Earth under the energy of the Lion, the Feline Energies of Sirius which are fierce and proud and very “royal”. The “Gate” or “Stargate” is a period of approximately two weeks in which a vortex opens and a wave of intense Light from the Galactic Center is received on the Earth. This “wave” contains the new Light Codes for the Evolution of the Earth for the next year/cycle, and so it is known as the Planetary New Year.
.... Each year, between the 26th of July and the 12th of August, a new wave of Galactic Light from the Central Sun would be directed towards Earth and magnified by the Sun in conjunction with the Helical Rising of Sirius in the North.
The Sirians would accept this energy into the Pyramid complex at Giza and then transmit the Codes into the Earth Grids, allowing for a peaceful and fluid transmission of the Energies. After the Giza Stargate was closed, the Earth transmissions were still mediated via Sirius, but they were not received coherently by the Earth, and so the Earth’s evolution was slowed and even distorted for a while. However, in the last ten years, the Earth has ascended into the Fifth Dimension and has “graduated” to Full Member Status of the Galactic Council, and now the Lion’s Gate transmissions are being received directly by the Earth and by the Council of Elders and the Earth Keeper Council and distributed via the new Crystalline Earth Grids. In this way, the Evolution of the New Earth will follow the “directions” of the Light Codes that are received from the Galactic Council and the Great Central Sun.
This process is quite new to your Earth, and while the Sirian Light Emissaries are standing by to assist, they are leaving the management of the incoming wave to the Earth Councils and the Family of Light. So, Beloved Family, what you are feeling now is this incoming Wave of Light as it approaches the Earth and is integrated into the Earth Consciousness. The Wave of Light 26 July to 12 August
Beloved Family of Light, this incoming Wave of Light will effectively “Recalibrate” the Planetary Frequencies for Higher Levels of Consciousness. This means, of course, that the old third-dimensional “illusion” will continue to crumble and break down. To those who still hold to the Third Dimensional Consciousness, it will seem as if chaos is breaking out everywhere, and they will become paranoid and angry and despairing. To those who can see and feel with the Higher Consciousness, it will seem as if a new dawn is breaking and that a new way of life is rising, as of course, it is.
What can expect at this time? We think that the Key word will be “intensity”. Everything will seem very intense to the point of being surreal. In your personal lives, whatever is still remaining of your old third-dimensional consciousness will need to be removed and replaced by something at a higher vibration. This may be difficult if you have an emotional attachment to the old energies. However, if you simply release and allow the changes, then they can be achieved with the minimum of disruption and hardship. The idea is simply to TRUST the PROCESS and allow whatever needs to happen.
For those of you who have activated your Light Bodies, it will be a simple matter to integrate the incoming Light Waves into your Light Body. At the same time, the Physical Body will once again be moving into DNA upgrades to allow the physical form to align with the new Light Codes for further Evolution in the New Earth.
This influx of Energy may mean that many of you will feel intensely CREATIVE and will be flooded with new ideas. Remember, you do not have to act on all of them immediately, you are simply accepting the Flow of Abundance and Light in this New Wave. Choose what seems best to you. You may also feel physically energized, and feel a desire to change your diet and exercise patterns to bring your body to a higher frequency. You may also find, perhaps, difficulty in sleeping and a feeling of being over-energized and anxious. Do not worry, this will pass as you integrate the incoming Light Wave.
Important Dates in July/August
These will be the Key Moments in this Process:
25th and 26th July : the “day out of Time” and the “New Year”
8th August…….the 8/8…the Peak moment of the Stargate/Vortex transmissions
8th-12th August.….Culmination of the “gate”….
19th-23rd August……Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius and integration of the new Solar/Lunar Codes
The New Human/Human Angel Light Body Template and Activation for Receiving the Incoming Energies
Beloved Ones, as you enter into this Golden Wave of Light, it is important that you simply remember to remain in your center – which is your Heart, and to keep the Light Body radiant and clear. Remember that in your Multi-Dimensional state your “center of gravity” is your Heart. Breathe from your Heart, breathe Light and Love from that center that is your Sacred Heart.....Feel how that Radiant Light is passed around the Planet on the Heart Grid from Light Workers to Light Warriors to all Family of Light as the New Earth manifests! And know that no matter where you are and what you are doing – YOU are a Beacon of Light and a Radiant Shining channel for the incoming Wave of Light!" end of quote
Quoted from Sheldan Nidles" ..... Your reality is shifting! The dark cabalists panic and search for ever-more-desperate ways to resolve their mounting dilemmas. As we have pointed out many times, there is no way for them to extricate themselves from their worsening situation by using their old devious methods. The Light is in the process of irresistibly taking back this realm and returning it safely to Her kindly direction. This direction has so far led to a number of decisions which are permitting the Light's diverse forces to prepare a new financial system and new governance for the peoples of surface Earth. Gaia is very pleased with what has been accomplished. Your Ascended Masters are backed by a group of individuals dedicated to pushing the dark from power and instituting a new epoch for all......A great veil of Light now surrounds our beloved world. The Light is descending, bringing with it serene blessings from the Heart of AEON! The events long spoken of are to be made real and this sacred land is to see a new way manifested upon it. We jointly bless this great happening and ready ourselves for our presentations to you. In the short time left, many wondrous things will happen. This month of July is when the freedom of both America and France was proclaimed, and so this month is now to recognize a new birth of freedom......Today we continued our message about the transformations now happening throughout this reality. The time comes for us to chant and celebrate your liberation! The realm of death and want is to be shifted into one of Love, Light, and Prosperity! An epoch filled with freedom, personal sovereignty...." End of quote
Quoted from BZ Riger" The expansion of the One People's consciousness since the beginning of 2013 has been remarkable. Events unfolding to reconcile dark energy while shining light on our essence are manifesting at a faster and faster pace." end of quote
The Truth is Leaking out into mainstream media, this is a part of the disclosure process. Let it all come Out Now and May We have a Smooth Transition into the Golden Age of True Equality, Joy, Peace, Unconditional Love, and True Abundance! Let All Be revealed to Heal and Transform Planet Earth Into the Garden of Eden She Truly is.
Semi-MSM article on the secret government from Huffington Post "....Now we know: the United States of America is partially governed by a deep state, undemocratic, secret, aligned with intelligence agencies, spying on friend and foe, lawless in almost every respect...." end of quote
"Decreed by Heaven~ A New epoch on Planet Earth=Heart is about to begin as a result of a series of incoming events and energies. All pre~foundational Energies will now come into Manifestation. All Vortex's Around the Planet will Be Completely activated along with The Original Blueprint for this Planet which is Only Love. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!
~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
Thank You For Keeping us Going With This Divine Mission for Planet Earth=Heart!!!!
Because of All of You, We are Able to Be A Constant Service on Behalf Of the Planet and Humanity! Thank You for Your Constant Love and Support for Humanity's Liberation Into The Real Reality and The Real Truth! We are Deeply Honored to Be of Service 24 Hours a Day in Love for All of You and Humanity. Thank You for Honoring our service and Keeping us Here with All of You!
Total July Donations 937.90$
Total Goal 3000$
Thank You for sharing
Join us Live Every Monday and Wednesday for Whats Happening On Planet Earth, Join us On the Grid at 10:30am Pacific and for the Internet Love Party Every Saturday Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific . Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:
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~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
Artwork Thanks to
(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.
~WE are Going Home~
Video Update:
~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~
Awakening Sessions Quoted from Coco About Her Awakening Session:
my awakening session with mothergod was like a massage for my soul<3 Her pure love radiated to me. the session gave me a peace of mind and a rehearter of love. it boosted my love cells <3 so grateful for mothergods service to humanity with love (heart)(sun)
If You would Like an Amazing Awakening Session with US You can Email us At
the best of the best
the best newes I never hear it in my life![heart heart](
The Information is Growing Eponencially
And the trend appears to continue on escalate! More than just the amount but also the quality of this knowledge. As more and more contribute our experiences to these posts, the correlation in the information creates validation and synchronicity which in turn creates more awareness and participation and this wave of Love and Light becomes a tsunami of awakening that spreads throughout all of humanity. This process is unfolding right before our eyes right now
Remember, there are no seat belts so get ready for the ride of your life!
Blessings, All
Please tell where the poster image ("Open Your Eyes... ") you used came from.