For so Long, 13 Millenia, Humanity has been given very little. Very little Truth, and a whole lot of nothing. Most of Humanity has based their lives on nothing, thus receiving nothing. We Are Going to Share with You an Example of this.
They did a Study on rats. They wanted to see if they could get a rat to push a lever. Every time the Rat pushed the lever they received Food, and pretty soon the rat became bored with this. So they decided to have the lever without any food.
So the Rat pushed the lever, and received nothing, and quickly became disinterested in this. So, the next experiment for the rat to push the lever, it intermittently received food, every once in a while. So then the rat, would just keep pushing the lever, because every once in a while it would get some food by doing this. This is Exactly How Humanity has been trained, so that it would keep them distracted and controlled. This is how they have been slaves to the illuminati, the system, the Program. They would give you just enough to keep you serving ignorance.
WE ARE POSTIVE WHEN HUMANITY UNDERSTANDS THIS TRUTH, THEY WILL STOP serving their controllers~ We are Here to Bring Humanity all Love IS~
“The Light does not have to go after the darkness, The Light Just Has to Be Turned ON.”
We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God and the Entire Galactic Free Press Staff~