Geminid Sky Shower Strikes This Weekend

Silver's picture

National Geographic, By: Andrew Fazekas, 12/13/2013

As darkness falls this weekend, look toward the heavens for a gem of a sky show from one of the year’s best meteor showers, peaking overnight on December 13 and 14. The annual Geminid meteor shower promises colorful shooting stars and fireballs–but with the moon in the way this year, it’s all a matter of timing, say astronomers. “The moon is a waxing gibbous around peak and will tend to wash out the fainter objects, but still, the Geminids are one of the top showers, so we can expect a pretty good show,” said Geza Gyuk, astronomer at Adler Planetarium in Chicago. All in the fullest of bloom!


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Geminids Meteor Shower

SeekerOfTheLight's picture

Meteor showers are so delightful to watch!!  Hoping we get a little clearing in the snow showers enough to see something tonight...too cloudy last night!!

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