In my persistent and perpetual assessment of things on the ground here to paraphrase Dana Mrkich, we have downloaded into our bodies as far as 5D is concerned. In that process we have "gone dark" as it is called in certain intel circles. Now that we are here wondering about what it is we are supposed to be, we are in a higher capacity and we feel freer and lost simultaneously. We are still cut off via the veil but the energies are different and higher.
In analyzing geopolitical events, the powers that be [were] know that they are in their last throws of power. It’s their last hoorah. We are on the brink of only a few things happening right now between now and the end of the nine month “gestation” period that began on 12/21/12. This will culminate at the fall solstice in September. So here are three possibilities I see:
1) we are about to snap and go down a very dark path. This will herald more suffering than I care to imagine.
2) A black swan event happens, "the event", unknown unknown, whatever you wish to call it; an overnight change when the dark ones are finally removed and humanity can move on and begin healing and rebuilding. God will step into His creation and flip a switch.
3) Some combination thereof, where we collectively go off the cliff, start to snap, George Washington's prophecy is realized, where he saw millions of people engaged in mortal combat and suddenly the light from above descends upon the earth and dispels the darkness hat had enveloped America.
I don't know what's going to happen next. Currently, the scandals being trumpeted by our governing regimes…whatever......I'm not going to speculate. They no longer matter. I'm just going to watch. So folks, get out your non-GMO popcorn. The grand finale is about to begin!I know "they" want us to snap. "They" want us to be pushed over the edge. Is this not a test, dear ones? Is this not in and of itself a graduation test? The final exam: by not snapping, we are able to keep it together. To sustain the best the dark ones can throw at us? But its not just about enduring.
Yes, I will acknowledge that the worst of that they had in store for us has been...removed from their bag of tricks. But they are still not without fangs, claws and dastardly plans. What remains to overcome is enough for humanity to retain or regain its dignity for those of us on the ground and in the dark to find out our missions, to attune to them, to optimize to them so that when the grand pulse is sent from source we step into our roles marvelously.
Some of us are already there. Some of us are just lightworkers trying to figure things out, to be there and be comforting to other souls, to be a shoulder a shoulder to cry on, to be a voice of sanity in a world gone insane. These things happen during epochal transitions. We are most needed now.
I believe the reality we are currently in resonates mostly with that described by Drunvalo Melchizedek. I keep going back to him and others (as we all do) for updates and information. (Obviously, I highly recommend the GFP!) We have several more years of this age transition before its completed into the Golden Age initiation. We have something like nine more years before the dark's influence is over and about 12 before our transition is completed. But don't hold me to dates!
The divine masculine will relinquish its grip on power in the world and the divine feminine will continue to arise. Both work in harmony and in balance together to build out the Golden Age with some of Gaia's new graduates. Congratulations folks! We've gotten this far and its almost over. I know the best is yet to come. So when you keep hearing me say to go get the popcorn, I'm saying to go get it out now! This summer may be achy with body aches and other ascension symptoms, myself included. The incoming energies will accelerate the removal of whatever remains that we haven't cleared already. Its ok. We signed up for this.
Personally I've gone to the doctor enough times and given them enough money to know that there is nothing wrong with me that I need to worry about. With the obvious need to get exercise and avoid things that I know will harm me. So in conclusion, hold your light. Don't jump into rising issues, just acknowledge them let them go. Be there when you can, retreat when you must and always love. Get out your popcorn - we got front row seats! This is Nerdalicious saying: Greetings!