GFP Newsletter - 12/25/2017

will's picture

A new life comes into existence when you live now. A new life is a 'now' life. Then where is the fear?

Who is worried about death? Then you can play a joke in the end. And if you live, you start feeling what life is. It is felt only through living; there is no other way to feel it. It is just like swimming - you swim and you learn; swimming comes through swimming, life is felt through living.

You postpone, you don't feel life; you feel death all around. Through postponing you will feel death, through living you will feel life. If you feel life, it is eternal. It has no death to it, it never dies; it goes on and on and on, and each moment is eternity.



  1. Daily Message ~ Monday December 25, 2017 - Trinity Esoterics
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