GFP Newsletter - 1/31/2020

will's picture

My teaching is: the first thing to be done is not to try to believe. Why? If doubt is there, doubt is there! There is no need to hide it. In fact, allow it, help it, let it become a great quest. Let it become a thousand and one questions -- and ultimately you will see it is not the questions that are relevant, it is the question mark! Doubt is not a search for belief; doubt simply is groping for the mystery, making every effort to understand the un-understandable, to comprehend the incomprehensible.



  1. LOVE IS HOW WE HELP EACH OTHER GROW - Galactic Free Press Original
    Friday, January 31, 2020 - 23:00
  2. A Bumpy Path…For Now - The Creator Writings
    Friday, January 31, 2020 - 22:52
  3. Daily Message ~ Friday January 31, 2020 - Trinity Esoterics
    Friday, January 31, 2020 - 22:52