While you are meditating on any specific subject -- for example, sadness -- then be it and forget everything else, as if nothing else exists. Just be totally sad. Savor it, taste it, let it sink in you, soak in it; just be a sponge.
That's what meditation is all about: just be a sponge. And when this mood is there, soak in it to your total capacity, to the optimum. Meditating on sadness, be it. Meditating simply means dropping the distinction between the observer and the observed; let the observer become the observed. Drop that old dichotomy of object and subject; disappear into the object of your meditation. Don't stand aloof, don't be a spectator. Secrets are not revealed to the spectators; secrets are revealed only to those who take a jump, who dive deep into something, people who don't hold themselves back.
- THE JOY OF OUR CONNECTION - Galactic Free Press Original
Sunday, January 5, 2020 - 22:06 - Take A Break - The Creator Writings
Sunday, January 5, 2020 - 22:00 - Daily Message ~ Sunday January 5, 2020 - Trinity Esoterics
Sunday, January 5, 2020 - 21:59