GFP Newsletter - 3/1/2014

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The only thing that holds the illusion together is the belief that it's valid.




When people are not truthful about you it means they cannot be honest about or with themselves. Take heart in knowing that you know the truth about you. Nothing can take that away. ~ Creator


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Scientific Proof That Our Minds Are All Connected – The Multiples Effect



This may seem like a far out idea, but is it possible that our thoughts create fields of information that go into the Global Mind we share? Is it possible our thoughts might create 'thought fields' that can interact with the thought fields of others? There is a fascinating phenomenon in science known as the 'multiples effect'. The multiples effect if when multiple people geographically isolated from one another come up with the exact same discovery at the exact same time. By 1922, there had been 148 major scientific breakthroughs identified to have been discovered in such a way. Here are just a FEW examples:

- Evolution (Darwin and Wallace)
- Calculus (Newton and Leibniz)
- Decimal fractions – 3 people
- Sunspots – 4 people in 1611
- Law of conservation of energy – 4 people in 1847
- Steamboat – 4 people
- Telescope – 9 people
- Thermometer – 6 people


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S0 News March 1, 2014: Planetary Eruptions, Storms, Spaceweather

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DEAR FRIENDS- In my decades of helping people free themselves from deep and chronic depression, and return to the inner peace, deep well-being and lasting happiness they deserve, I have found two "Golden Keys" - guiding and healing principles- that unlock the prison cell of sadness and hopelessness in every single case.

First- ALL depression is the result of powerfully suppressed emotions. The more a person connects to these buried feelings and thoroughly expresses them, the more their depression is lifted and their ability to be happy and alive is restored.



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“Keep it Simple, Stupid” - Aligned Holistics


simplicity.jpgLeonardo Da Vinci once said,

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

Nothing makes me happier than simplifying things. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy the Container Store, iPhone apps, and label makers.

While that’s true for many of us, we also seem to crave MORE. More friends, more possessions, and more work.

Yet what makes us happy is never those things that fall into the “more” category. The over-indulgence is what blocks us from seeing ourselves as we truly are or dealing with situations are they currently are.

Instead, we project, we futurize, and we distract.

For many, the thought of cutting back may send us into an instant panic, thinking, “I don’t want to live like a monk!” But, when we dig a little deeper we see that simplicity is where we find our true happiness and peace. 

The good news is that we don’t have to continue to keep our minds and lives overly cluttered!


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Quantum Physics, Mysticism, Consciousness and God - Duane Townsend


Picture "Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve." ~ Max Planck


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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 1, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


Do you fear success? Do you think if you are successful people will talk about you? Want too much from you? Envy you? Treat you differently? Not love you anymore? Dear Ones, so many of you worry about these things. What if you changed your idea of what success truly is? Success, simply put, is being true to your own life expression, honouring yourself by living your truth, your passion, your joy. That doesn’t sound so scary now, does it? ~Archangel Gabriel


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All MUFON and UFO data now deferred to Bigelow Areospace


Some claim that Bigelow Aerospace is in the market of reverse engineering alien technology

By Jonny Phoenix

Note: Bigelow Aerospace follows @ShepardAmbellas the founder and director of Intellihub News on Twitter.

(INTELLIHUB) — A strange FAA directive issued back in 2010 shows that the US government has in fact deferred all FAA UFO reports to Bigelow Aerospace, raising eyebrows in the UFO investigative community.

MUFON and the FAA have been bottlenecked for their UFO information regarding UFO and/or alien technologies and the funnel leads straight to the man himself, Robert Bigelow, who was recently confronted by Jesse Ventura on this very matter in Utah after Ventura’s “Tru TV” crew investigated Robert Bigelow’s “Skinwalker Ranch”.


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Scientists Finally Admit There Is a Second, Secret DNA Code Which Controls Genes


The fascinating and recent discovery of a new, second DNA code last week further lends credence to what metaphysical scientists have been saying for millennia — the body speaks two different languages.

Since the genetic code was deciphered in the 1960s, researchers have assumed that it was used exclusively to write information about proteins.

But biologists have suspected for years that some kind of epigenetic inheritance occurs at the cellular level. The different kinds of cells in our bodies provide an example. Skin cells and brain cells have different forms and functions, despite having exactly the same DNA.


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We are Divine Beings (video)

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Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one.

- Bill Hicks


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Essence and Personality


“In order to understand the interrelation of truth and falsehood in life, a man must understand falsehood in himself, the constant incessant lies he tells himself.”

- G.I. Gurdjieff

According to the mystic and spiritual teacher George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, the human organism is constituted by two fundamental functions: essence and personality. Essence is what we are born with, the raw material of one’s being. It includes the physical body, genetic make-up, energy metabolism, the inborn capacity for emotions and sensations. There are also external influences that affect us, such as planetary vibrations, present in the immediate environment at conception, during the fetal stage, and at birth. An astrological birth chart can give some insight into that.

As we grow, our essence is molded by cultural influences. It can mature along the lines of its inherent nature and potential, or it can become blocked in its maturation and hence form something that works against its inborn potential.


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Are You 'Starseed' ?

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THE ONION: Buddhist Extremist Cell Vows To Unleash Tranquility On West



In a 45-minute video posted on Tibetan websites Thursday, Tsuglag Rinpoche, leader of the Buddhist extremist group Kammaṭṭhāna, threatened to soon inflict a wave of peace and tranquility on the West.

Speaking in front of a nondescript altar surrounded by candles, burning sticks of incense, and a small golden statue of the Buddha, Rinpoche did not specify when or where an assault of profound inner stillness would occur, but stated in no uncertain terms that the fundamentalist Buddhist cell plans to target all Western suffering.


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How "Modern" Medicine Works



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