GFP Newsletter - 3/2/2014

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Nothing written down is ever 100% true. There's what the writer intended, there's what the words literally say, and then there's what the reader interprets. The possibilities for misunderstanding to occur somewhere in this process are enormous, and even more so when attempting to communicate Higher Truths. We're using a language designed around communicating physical and dualistic concepts. For communicating 5D Thought we have an extremely limited vocabulary, so we end up repeating words like God, Love and Oneness over and over again. This is why it's so important to have the experience for yourself, to really get in touch with the Divine Within.

Mindful meditation at school makes kids go ommm


Hundreds of schools in California alone have mindful meditation programs, and educators see benefits. Mindfulness is said to help with focus, attention, calming the emotions and school performance.

Erica Eihl speaks in a voice that her kindergartners can hear only if they are as quiet as the church mice in children's storybooks.
And with a couple of squirrelly exceptions, they stay that quiet for 15 or 20 minutes — a near eternity — as Eihl guides them to use all their senses to consider a piece of apple, with directions such as, "Looking at the apple, look on the outside. Look on the inside.… Remember, keep it in your palm and just look at it."


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Japanese Scientists Prove That Auras Actually Exist



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Is the Human Body A Mini Universe?



by Kristen Large

We are a compact universe blessed with arms and legs to walk and grasp in love.  We are messengers of thought transmitting our experiences to the source that energizes all that is.   Our brains are lovingly embraced by the water that is the conduit for universal messages just as we were embraced by the fluid in our mother’s womb.  We are constantly giving and receiving energy from our thoughts which are sourced from different areas in our magnificent head.


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S0 News March 2, 2014: Planetary Eruptions, Storms, Spaceweather

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Eating Consciously - Moving Beyond Diets & Health Fads


I see a lot of talk about what people should eat, but I don't see much talk about how to eat, so I wanted to share my own experience on learning to get in touch with what my body is craving. People tend to get into unconscious eating habits, and eat what is convenient instead of what their body really needs. Food can become a coping mechanism, a way to distract oneself from negative emotions, and this can be quite harmful to a person's emotional and physical health.

We hear about pregnant women craving certain foods, but I don't believe this is limited to just pregnant women. People have become disconnected from their own bodies, and have difficultly listening to the subtle cravings their bodies have. I learned this trick from the Conversations With God books about getting back in touch with the body: hover your hand a few inches above a food item, and listen to what you feel. Don't try to rationalize anything with your mind, simply listen to your body. You'll feel attracted to certain foods, and I found I would even start salivating when it was something my body REALLY wanted. I began eating foods I'd never even considered before, and began enjoying foods that I previously despised.


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Arcturian Group 3/2/14


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MARCH 2, 2014

Greetings to all. We observe Light on Gaia increasing each day, and bringing with it a new world wide awareness of issues and problems that the majority were heretofore unable or unwilling to see. Appearances would say that the world is getting worse, but what you are witnessing is the Light now shining into the dark places and bringing to the forefront all that needs to be addressed in new and higher ways.


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100+ Free Documentaries That Will Expand Your Consciousness!


By: In5d -


Do you feel like having a 'Movie Night' without Hollywood? Here is a list of 100 plus consciousness expanding documentaries that will assist you in your evolution, all of which can watched for free online in the links below. Enjoy!


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Heavenletter #4845 - A Metaphor of the Dawn



God said:

What I AM, you ARE. These are not just words I say. I do not have a line, beloveds. I love all, and I speak to all, for, in My vantage, there is One I speak to. You and I are One, and all those other forms you believe are others are One, and I speak to them as well. I am immersed in Oneness. Wherever I go, Oneness. Actually, I do not go anywhere. I am established in Oneness. I sink deeply into Oneness, which is to say, that I rise to Oneness even as I am not occupied in the process of rising. I rise by virtue of Being.


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Let the Meek Inherit the Earth Written by Wes Annac


Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

All around this planet, there are people who have the potential to really make a significant change for the better. Billions of brilliant minds exist that deserve to be given an equal opportunity to make decisions that affect all of us, but unfortunately, most people are kept down so the elite can continue to live lives of luxury.

The poor have been oppressed for centuries, and an active effort is being made to keep us unaware of the reality of our existence. Most people are given sparse opportunities to excel like they deserve to, but in a new paradigm, rampant inequality will be replaced with prosperity and the ability to have a say in the decisions that are made.


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The Incredible Power of the Human Body - Blind Man Uses Echolocation to See


Daniel Kish has been blind since he was a baby but that hasn't stopped him living an incredibly active life that includes hiking and mountain-biking. To do this, he has perfected a form of human echolocation, using reflected sound waves to build a mental picture of his surroundings.

When Daniel Kish clicks his tongue, the world answers back.

Cars, trees, doorways, bollards on the pavement… all are identified and mapped in his brain using information gleaned from a series of sharp little taps of his tongue against the roof of his mouth, two or three times a second.


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How to Pray: Prayer is a mystical process, not an intellectual one by William Bezanson


How to Pray

The way that many have been taught with how to pray is to make petitions to God in the form of “Dear God: Please make Jane better,” as an intercession when Jane is sick. That method is sub-optimal. If God is omniscient, as we are often taught, then surely it already knows that Jane is sick. Why does God need reminding from us, doing nothing until we remind it and beg it to correct the situation? And how do we explain the case when Jane does not recover, but gets sicker, or even dies?


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DEAR FRIENDS- I know that many of you are struggling with pain and suffering that are very hard to bear. You often feel at the limit of your strength- weighed down by emotional anguish and depression, fear and worry, physical illness, self-doubt and despair. Let me reassure you that you do not deserve any of this- and that it need not be your fate.

I promise you that no matter how deep your dark night of the soul or how long it has lasted- THERE IS A WAY through the darkness back to the blessed light of day.

There is a miracle waiting for you....

You can trust that I very much understand the demons of torment and desperation you wrestle with. I went through terrible physical illness and non-stop emotional anguish for decades myself. Just like you I longed unendingly for inner peace, for a single hour of happiness. For a cooling drop of mercy on my tongue to ease the fires of anguish in my body, mind and spirit.

In the end I was able to find real inner peace. And the grace of daily happiness that I had hoped to find. And complete physical healing of my so-called "incurable" disease.


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Large Object Discovered In Inner Oort Cloud


WantChinaTimes broke the story yesterday:

A Canadian-Taiwanese program co-sponsored by Taiwan's National Science Council has made discoveries beyond Neptune that are expected to help solve some of the mysteries of the solar system.

In four years of observation using the Canada-France Hawaii Telescope, the team of scientists discovered a sizable object in the inner Oort Cloud, in addition to more than 90 smaller ones, said team member Chen Ying-tung, a research assistant of the Taipei-based Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The recently discovered object is about 300 kilometers in diameter and is second only to a dwarf planet named Sedna identified in 2003 in the inner Oort Cloud, said Chen.


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A Metaphor of the Dawn Heavenletter #4845 Published on: March 1, 2014


God said:

What I AM, you ARE. These are not just words I say. I do not have a line, beloveds. I love all, and I speak to all, for, in My vantage, there is One I speak to. You and I are One, and all those other forms you believe are others are One, and I speak to them as well. I am immersed in Oneness. Wherever I go, Oneness. Actually, I do not go anywhere. I am established in Oneness. I sink deeply into Oneness, which is to say, that I rise to Oneness even as I am not occupied in the process of rising. I rise by virtue of Being.


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Seven Ways How Music Benefits your Health By Bhavika fractalenlightenment


benefits of music on human health and mind

From reducing stress levels, to elevating your current state of consciousness, or taking you in a state of trance – it opens the doors to newer dimensions – dimensions which can only be accessed in a certain state of mind.

Music seems to be part of our biological heritage, because infants have excellent musical abilities, that’s why many to-be mothers sing to their unborn child, because they respond/dance to different types of music.


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How to Tune Into the Spirit World By Michelle Beltran


How to Tune Into the Spirit World
We are all psychic! Whether you know it or not or even believe it or not – you are psychic. You were born with this deep-seated intuitiveness. Having said that, we can all learn to play the piano but we may not all become Mozart-like in our level of piano playing. Everyone’s chosen path will be unique and valuable however regardless to what extent they take their intuitive knowing.


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The Book of Knowing and Worth by Paul Selig and The Guides, A Channeled Text



What is happening now on this plane is that those of you who have gathered have decided to incarnate at the highest level available to you, and the acquisition of knowing of who and what you truly are is what required to make this so. When there is a mass elevation in consciousness, what begins to happen is that the incarnations that you stand in begin to align ti the next phase of development on this plane and the plane must shift itself to reflect the new knowing that each of you are born into.


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