Desire is a cover-up for anxiety. It is a trick, a strategy. And meditation is to uncover it. That’s why people can’t sit silently even for a few minutes. Because when they sit silently, anxieties start raising their heads. They become very much afraid. That’s why people ask, even in meditation, “What should we do? Can we chant a mantra?” Then it is okay; then the mantra becomes your cover. Then you can repeat, “Ram, Ram, Ram,” and you can go on repeating. This repetition keeps your anxiety repressed.
Real meditation is Zen, VIPASSANA. Real meditation is nothing but to sit silently, doing nothing. Just doing nothing, sitting silently, that is real meditation. There is no other technique, no technique at all in it. No mantra has to be repeated. No prayer has to be done, no God’s name to be pronounced. You simply sit… but that is the hardest thing to do in the world. Looks so simple!
When I say again and again:
You think it is very easy: “We can sit and the spring will come and the grass will grow by itself.” This is the hardest and the most difficult and the most arduous thing in the world: to sit silently, doing nothing. And this is the greatest meditation.
-OSHO (more)
Breath of Life - Mayan Messages
BREATH OF LIFE There are many forms of light, for it means many things to different people. The light we wish to talk about today comes from within; it is the eternal flame that comes from your Creator. Once upon a time, there were no individual lights, all of you were an integral part of the whole, similar to the light that shines forth from your sun. At one point, this light fragmented to allow for a variety of experiences.
This light inside your heart is similar to one candle flame. Each of you has this flame of God Essence within you. Even those that do the most horrendous deeds on Earth have this light within. Many of you have hidden this light so deeply that you cannot enjoy its flame. Yet no matter how deeply it is hidden, this flame can be brought forth to shine brightly. All it needs is a little oxygen. We call this oxygen “breath.”
Your breath is the most important element you need to exist on this Earth. Try not breathing for just a few minutes and you will understand what we say. In order for your light to shine brightly, it needs oxygen. Breathing consciously while setting intentions is very powerful. There are many techniques on how to use the breath to energize the body, mind and soul. We suggest that if this is not a part of your daily life, that you make it so.
DEAR FRIENDS- In this period of history- where there is still an much pain being unintentionally passed from generation to generation and a serious blindness to the emotional needs of developing children- countless millions of us grew up in dysfunctional/emotionally damaging families.
To fully grasp what I refer to as "the generational cycle of pain" and the revolution of love and awareness that can heal it, please read my essay "Revolution of Love: Understanding Children's Rights". It is available in the Notes section of my Timeline.
The self-liberating and self-loving challenge for people who grew up in dysfunctional, abusive and/or invalidating families is twofold.
First we need to stop looking for love and validation from people who are too unconscious and closed-off to give it to us.
Secondly we need to focus all of our energy, passion and devotion on giving OURSELVES the love we need and deserve- from within!
HEALING ANGER..... - Christa Bonnet
We live in a very angry and judgmental society. There is a lot of anger and resentment between people who is suppose to love and support each other, between religions, gender, race and even generations. It is very unproductive and doesn't help things. HOW CAN WE DEAL WITH ANGER BETTER?
Why Are You Here on Earth? - Heavenletters
God said:
It is not a little thing that you are alive on Earth. This is not a random happening. You are here on Earth for something. There is a purpose in your being here. Speaking in general, you are here to be a blessing. You are here to bless. You are here to serve. You have a blessing to give. You may well not know what exactly it may be. Therefore, I suggest that you bless right and left and cover all the bases.
A hundred years on Earth is no more than the blink of an eye. It is a minute. The time will come when you are no longer on Earth in your human body. And all those you have known and loved or not loved, will no longer be on Earth either. What was it about? What mattered and what did not matter yet absorbed your life? It would seem that everything was hit or miss, yet it is not.
Beloveds, miss not even one opportunity to bless the world. And, if you feel you cannot bless, then soothe. And if you cannot soothe, soothe anyway. You were sent to the world to fulfill something. You were sent to the world for more than yourself.
Daily Message ~ Sunday March 23, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
The Dangers of Spiritual Elitism
While this isn't true for everyone, there's a kind of elitism fairly common in spiritual groups. Some people have this illusion that they know so much more than everyone else, and this makes them "better". There's these loaded terms like "awakened" and "enlightened", and while these terms do mean something, the people who like to brag about being such are usually neither awakened nor enlightened. They've only taken the first few steps down that path. The ego likes to compare itself to others to gain a false sense of self-worth, and when they look at the sleeping masses they believe they're so much better.
I tell you a baker who does his work with love and joy, who has true respect for others and shares his happiness, this person is doing God's Work. This person can easily be doing far more to help humanity raise up out of fear than a person who's read a hundred spiritual books and pays thousands of dollars to attend the "best" spiritual retreats and conferences. Without the essential inner work, that stuff does nothing by itself, and can actually build up just as many illusions as it dissolves. Pay very close attention, you may be releasing one illusion only to replace it with another.