HEALING ANGER..... - Christa Bonnet

will's picture

We live in a very angry and judgmental society. There is a lot of anger and resentment between people who is suppose to love and support each other, between religions, gender, race and even generations. It is very unproductive and doesn't help things. HOW CAN WE DEAL WITH ANGER BETTER?

A wise woman once said that to be angry is to be out of control and so someone who is angry deserves my LOVE and COMPASSION more than ever. In the beginning of this journey this was hard to grasp but I have learned over time that if each of us can stay in our own PEACE and PATIENCE and keep our SELF-RESPECT, each of us can help others to do the same. When we see people's good qualities, we EMPOWER both ourselves and them. This is true generosity.

By reaching a place of PEACE inside, we can share that feeling with other people so that they can free themselves from their own anger. Dear friends, if someone throw something at you, like an insult or an angry comment, you have a CHOICE: you can just let it drop and leave it lying there OR you can act on your anger and fuel the fire. By not picking up another person's angry is very different from suppressing anger. SUPPRESSING anger is still making their anger yours but suppressed ANGER is very dangerous as it will either blow up one day externally and harm people or blow up inside and harm the body through illness. By not picking up on another person's anger, you protect yourself and at the same time give them the chance to take it back.

Friends, I am a LOVER and not a FIGHTER but I am a powerful lover as my love is a resolute LOVE coming from a place of discernment and it is much more powerful and impactful to counter anger than many anger balls or insults thrown in my direction. I accept them with love and gratitude and don't take them on. BEing a lover in this sense does not imply being a pushover - quite the opposite - one just know your inner strength and the source of your power and use it as a vessel of change for the higher good of all to bring healing to situations and do whatever it takes.

Every human being has GOODNESS within, but what has happened is that layers of dust have accumulated over the goodness so that we just see the broken personalities; and we tend to look only at the external, material things and have forgotten about the INNER BEING. We maintain our material things but we neglect to maintain our INNER BEING. As a result we have lost contact not just with the PEACE within but also with all other treasures that are there within the self. When we remember our own inherent GOODNESS - and we all have some goodness in various levels - we can SHARE it with others. For this to happen one need to spend time in SILENCE and really get to know and love your true self and connect with your inner TRUTH through the Divine - no matter what is happening around you and thrown to you. Discovering these treasures within is the key to FREEDOM and inner PEACE. To be PEACEFUL is to be POWERFUL. It is also our natural way of BEing.

Getting angry can be like a fix for many people, if it is been a habit for a long time. The first step towards CHANGE is to realize that you have had enough of the negative side of yourself and are ready to discover your good side. Wanting to be the BEST you can BE for the people you love is a great motivator. My invitation to you is to watch HOW you say things to people around you; the tone of your voice is enough to send things spiraling down, and to make the effort to stay RESPECTFUL even if your loved one is not being respectful to you. It takes two to keep a fight going. Rather be a LOVER but be a powerful LOVER and learn to acquire the skill to get the results you want but by using a different strategy and there is no better way than to LOVE with an inner power coming from a place of INNER PEACE, wisdom, joy, tolerance; of LETTING GO and FORGIVENESS; of moving on and making a contribution to counter anger with LOVE and PEACE....with love, Christa Bonnet

See more of Christa's writings here: https://www.facebook.com/ChristaBonnet.DifferenceMaker




IndigoDream432's picture

I deal with quite a lot of my own anger. For a long time I was in denial about just how angry parts of me are. I would numb myself to it.

I discovered this kind of wonderful advice also works when resolving inner conflict between ones sub-selves. Its a social group internally not unlike external social groups. Typically mirroring personalities we grew up with; guardian, manager, victim, parent. Curious stuff!

I agree with the suggestion of entrainment, it helps a great deal. Standing in love and service can really diffuse snarling anger and rage.

For me a sense of allowing is important. Anger is typically protecting something. If we step into allowing and out from resistance/judgment, it seems easier to transmute.

Curiosity is great stepping stone up and out of anger as well. Ask questions, encourage wonder and things begin to shift.

Nice article. Thank you for sharing.