GFP Newsletter - 4/25/2020

will's picture

Man up to now has been taught not to live but to hope -- hope that tomorrow things will be such that you will be able to live, hope that tomorrow you will be worthy to live, hope that tomorrow you will be Jesus Christ or Gautama the Buddha.

You are never going to be Jesus the Christ or Gautama the Buddha, you are simply going to be yourself. You are not a carbon copy of anybody else. It would have been ugly to be another Christ or another Buddha; that would have been a great insult to your humanity.

Man has dignity because man has originality.



  1. The intense need to be right and to make others wrong is a very common human egotistical phenomenon. - John Smallman
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  2. Just Ask - The Creator Writings
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  3. Daily Message ~ Saturday April 25, 2020 - Trinity Esoterics
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