Change your inclination from the mind to the heart. That is the first change. Think less, feel more. Intellectualize less, intuit more. Thinking is a very deceptive process, it makes you feel that you are doing great things. But you are simply making castles in the air.
Thoughts are nothing but castles in the air.
Feelings are more material, more substantial. They transform you. Thinking about love is not going to help, but feeling love is bound to change you. Thinking is very much loved by the ego, because the ego feeds on fictions. The ego cannot digest any reality, and thinking is a fictitious process. It is a kind of dreaming, a sophisticated dreaming. Dreams are pictorial and thinking is conceptual, but the process is the same. Dreaming is a primitive kind of thinking, and thinking is a civilized kind of dreaming.
Change from the mind to the heart, from thinking to feeling, from logic to love.
- SUCH A BRILLIANT AND BEAUTIFUL GIFT - Galactic Free Press Original
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Saturday, April 27, 2019 - 22:40 - Daily Message ~ Saturday April 27, 2019 - Trinity Esoterics
Saturday, April 27, 2019 - 22:40