The second change is from the heart to the being -- because there is a still deeper layer in you where even feelings cannot reach. Remember these three words: mind, heart, being. The being is your pure nature. Surrounding the being is feeling, and surrounding feeling is thinking. Thinking is far away from being but feeling is a little closer; it reflects some glory of the being. It is just as in the sunset the sun is reflected by the clouds and the clouds start having beautiful colors. They themselves are not the sun, but they are reflecting the light of the sun.
Feelings are close to being, so they reflect something of the being. But one has to go beyond feelings too. Then what is being? It is neither thinking nor feeling, it is pure am- ness. One simply is.
Thinking is very selfish and egoistic. Feeling is more altruistic, less egoistic. Being is no- ego, egolessness -- neither selfishness nor altruism but a spontaneity, a moment-to- moment responsiveness. One does not live according to oneself, one lives according to God, according to the whole.
Feeling is half, and no half can ever satisfy you. Thinking and feeling are both halves and you will remain divided. Being is total, and only the total can bring contentment.
- Give Yourself A Break! - The Creator Writings
Sunday, April 28, 2019 - 23:12 - Daily Message ~ Sunday April 28, 2019 - Trinity Esoterics
Sunday, April 28, 2019 - 23:12