All kinds of fools gathered under the banner of theosophy, it was a hotch-potch. It was an effort to create a synthesis of all that is good out of all the religions. But no such synthesis is possible. And if you make such a synthesis you will only have a corpse on your hands, not an alive body, breathing, pulsating.
It is as if you love many women -- one woman has beautiful eyes, you take the eyes out; another woman has a beautiful nose, you cut off the nose -- and so on and so forth. Put all the parts together, assemble them, and you will have a corpse. Making the corpse you have killed twenty beautiful women, and the end result is just utter stupidity.
That's what theosophy did. Something is beautiful in Hinduism, something is beautiful in Taoism, something is beautiful in Mohammedanism, something is beautiful in Judaism, and so on and so forth. Collect all that, put it together, put it in a mixer and mix it, and what you will have will be just a corpse.
- JUST WAITIN' TO BE SHARED - Galactic Free Press Original
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Saturday, April 6, 2019 - 23:26