Be perfectly clear about it. My effort is not to strengthen a certain mind, my effort is just the opposite of it: to give you a state of no-mind -- a state which has no knowledge, a state which functions from not knowing, a state of innocence.
I use contradiction as a device. I say one thing, out of your old habit you cling to it; the next day I have to contradict it. When I contradict it you have to drop it. But you may start clinging to the new thing that I have said; I will have to contradict it again.
This will go on, you will go on clinging to this, to that. One day suddenly you will become aware what is happening. I don't allow you any certainty, nothing to cling to.
- The Balance of Head & Heart - The Creator Writings
Sunday, May 3, 2020 - 21:44 - Daily Message ~ Sunday May 3, 2020 - Trinity Esoterics
Sunday, May 3, 2020 - 21:42