Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – Timeless And Spaceless – 23 July 2012

As the tide of the ocean has been set in motion, so have you been set in motion. You landed running, beloveds. Although in Truth, there is no before and after, in terms of the world, there is a before you and an after you. You didn’t start at birth. You arrive at birth. In death, you do not leave anywhere. Your body falls by the wayside. You simply continue along. There is no interruption of you. You are eternal. In Truth, there was no before you nor was there an after you, and, yet, you precede yourself and you ensue yourself.
Time is a convenient way to talk about things. Space is a convenient way as well. In fact, in the world, space is seen as solid. One who is not solid may be seen as spacey. You are neither timey nor spacey, for neither exists. Of course, on Earth, it pays to be grounded, yet in whose interpretation are you grounded or ungrounded or in time or out of time? In My book, you are timeless and spaceless. You can’t have one without the other. In Truth, there is neither. There is no direction to go in, and there is no time to go in a direction if you could.
So all the words you use are metaphors. They are “as if” words. If there were time, this and that would be so. If there were space, you would inhabit it, yet there is no space, so you only think and perceive that you inhabit a world that you can touch. In the world, it is advisable to stay in touch.
Stay in touch with Me, beloveds, for I am your solidity. There is no other. Everything else is a mirage. Everything your senses tell you is a mirage. Your body is a mirage. Everything is a mirage except for Oneness.
The apple you are eating is a mirage.
Of course, in the extant world you live in, you need the mirage of an apple to fill the mirage of your stomach so you can carry on the mirage of time and space. I do not say this is a bad thing. You are in the world, and you speak the language of the country you are in. You are in the country that is called Earth, or is called the world, or is called mountain and stream, hill and dale, and you live under a sky that is sunny or overcast. You are so overcast with the illusion of the world. Of course, it seems real. How could it not? Everyone acts as if the world is real. Everyone can see and touch and use all the physical senses. What kind of God can go around saying that the world is unreal? Excuse Me, dear ones, do you not yourself often find the world unreal? What cannot happen happens. What, in world terms, should happen does not happen. Everything is upside down in a world that veritably has no time or space, and, yet, in this impossible world, there is Truth. You are Truth, and I am Truth. And the Truth of the Truth is One. Twain is not Truth. Oneness alone is.
There is no room for space, and there is no time for time, for Eternity and Infinity defy gravity. You can’t have both time and Eternity. You can’t have both space and Infinity. And, yet, wherein is your choice?
Live in the errant world of time and space and keep in touch with from where you come. Keep in touch with Home. Always remember from where you come, and where you ultimately are. This scrap of space you appear to live on is an episode, an imagined episode, a mutually agreed upon episode that seems to last quite a while and which, in Truth, does not last even what you might call half a minute.