Believe in yourself more than you believe in doubting yourself. You may have been so quick to doubt and so slow to believe in yourself or any direction or anything at all. Will you not be an advocate of yourself, a friend of yourself, a good influence on yourself? What are you waiting for? Some day? Someone? A flash of lightning from the sky? Be your own champion. If you have been shilly-shallying along, pick up your pace now. Go for it.
If you have been delaying yourself from joy in life, take a giant step. Whatever the world does, however it may seem that the world holds you back, you are the one holding yourself back or moving yourself forward. In good fortune or in what you see as bad fortune, you are the diviner of your own life. Perhaps you listen too much to the world. Perhaps you fear the world and prefer to stay in your own safe corner and, so, you deflect life. Perhaps you hide from it. Perhaps you would rather defer from life than to progress in it.
Good grief, you are a Child of God.
If you have been sitting around, get up! Get up now! If you have thought you have to gear up for battle, now gear yourself up for joy. Don’t miss out on joy. If you erroneously think you must tremble in joy, then tremble in a joy that shakes you in laughter. What are you waiting for?
You are already a survivor. Keep on. The worst is behind you. Lagging is behind you. The best is yet to come is truthful. Face front. Get out of the corner and sally forth. Be your own hero. Cease being your own shadow afraid to come out into the sunlight. Let the energy of the sun be your guide. Get out of that chair you have been sitting in. Get up and meet life. Life, like the sun, knocks on the door or peeks in the window. Life says: “Come out and play.”
Ultimately, what you are afraid of is yourself. Certainly, it’s time that you set the past aside. Leave your corner and be a leader. Certainly, lead yourself across the horizon. There is no telling how many others you will bring with you. If someone can cross the world barriers, so can you. Even landmines outside your door do not keep you stalled. Somersault outside your door. All the landmines are imaginary anyway. Certainly, they are not real. Your idea of danger is real in that your idea of danger makes it real. Your fear of something makes it real.
Now is the time when you must stop tip-toeing around in life. Safety is not to be your ambition any more than fear is.
Come, let’s go out into the sunshine and make merry. Today is the day of your life. No longer are you to be secluded from life. Whether you are a recluse or a public official, shake hands with life. Clap your hand on life’s shoulder, and be a life-long companion and champion.
You are in the middle of life. Life is like a recipe given to you. What you make of the recipe is up to you. Use the ingredients. Put them together. If your cake comes out flat, so what? Try again.
See where life takes you and see how you can encourage your life.
Don’t be at a stalemate with life. Life is not a wait-and-see game. You are to make something of life. You blossom your life or you restrain your life. Well, which is it?